Memory of Re-birth, and death

Feb 27, 2009 14:40

I had had a very odd day at work, feeling rage and frantic feelings from the individual I am so strongly connected to. He told me he was having a nightmare, and that I was dead, killed by someone he knew, and that he and his guardian had gone into a rage. This memory slid so clearly up.

There was a time I was in service, doing as I always do, healing the fallen.

The one I was helping had recently fallen from the heavens, and our relationship had grown close. As it was a time when I was growing older, it was time for me to be reborn. I became with child. The fallen, learning of this, left, for there were those who would have harmed him and his progeny.

I did my part, making sure this newborn would house all I am so that I would be reborn whole and with all my abilities. When the babe took new breath, my current body would die as I passed into the new. Word of my condition eventually spread and got back to those who were after the fallen. I was found, captured, and made slave to them. When the time of birth came, I managed to escape and hide with a family. The woman had given stillbirth to her own, the child’s body not even a day old, and I asked her to please take of mine (me) when I passed on. The couple agreed, though not understanding. At birth, I named the girl child with my last breath.... Jhi'hala, I think.

And was reborn.

The woman acted quickly, cleaning the child, and spread the birthing over her stillborn. They made the announcement of the birth, an odd occurrence to the others, as two births happening at the same time is unheard of. The loss of the strange woman and her stillborn child, was even odder still. Internment was done, the bodies burned and my last connection severed to that body. They packed up and moved away, hopefully away from my previous enslavement. Alas, it did not last long.

At a young age I was found, and enslaved once more. Being a smart child of great beauty, I was trained to be a slave of beauty. It was harsh, but I learned, and also learned to hide my growing abilities. A time later, as a young beauty, I came upon a wounded man. He was beaten badly and near death, his back especially torn and bleeding. Working hard and quickly, I managed to sneak him into housing and to visit often to heal him. As he turned hale, he asked of what he could do for me and I asked him to take me from here.

A plan was set for the young warrior to “save” one of the Lord’s family members and he managed to earn a boon of my current lord. Anything he wanted.

The young man looked around, pretending as if he didn’t care much, and his pause caused the lord to make his own offer, “Perhaps one of my harem.” Again the young man acted as if he cared not, and shrugged. “If you must, I will take…. That one,” waving negligently in my direction. The lord laughed, while I cowered, shaking his head in amusement. “You will have your hands full with that one, but you can have her. She is great in her abilities, but a problem in other areas. Done.”

I cried out in dismay, as I was “forced” into his care, and wept, with relief, as the young man rode away with me.

As we traveled far away, and settled, I did not know of any other way, and served the young man faithfully, dutifully, always calling him, “Lord” and “Master”, and loving him with all my heart. He loved me in return, forgiving my faults, gaining my absolute trust and love. It was not an easy thing, at first, as I was still rebellious. His great hound, a beautiful creature, was usually at my heels constantly, and had even bit me once as I started to go out of line. I still bear the mark, spiritually, or at least the memory of it is still very strong.

I do not remember children from that time, as I think my ability to bear them was at fault. Perhaps I knew, spiritually, that I would be reborn elsewhere, as I always seem to know where I’m going to be needed. I also knew that my time might not last long, as my abilities told me of troubles. I mentioned to him my worries and he kept watch, but the area was at peace.

There was a time when he was absent on some errand, and had to take his hound with him. Things were so quiet, he felt leaving a lesser hound behind to play guardian would suffice. Upon his return, the nearby village had some strange visitors in it, and he paused to replenish himself before moving on. Their eyes traveled over him often, and as he left to return home, they even tried to detain him. His hound hurried on without him, wanting to get home as well. He managed away, gaining worry over me, but was ambushed not far from his goal. He heard his hound howling in grief and fought his way out of the ambush, leaving behind dead and dying.

As he neared the home, his hound was standing over the one left to guard me, hackles raised and a hair splitting growl rending the air. A lord, the same lord I had once belonged to, held me in his grasp. “You thieving rogue! You thought I would never find out, did you? Servants speak too freely, and this one,” giving me a harsh shake, “was ratted out. I spent years trying to find you, and now you pay.” As I struggled, he took knife to my throat and split it open, laughing as he saw the pain and agony on the warriors face. “You loved her! A dithering, rebellious harem girl! More the fool you are.” But he could say no more as the warrior, having lost the pain and panic that gripped him, lunged at the lord in rage, his hound not far behind. Others of the lord’s came out of hiding as well, and a huge battle was fought, two against many.

I remember the warrior eventually lifting my form, my breath near gone, weeping over me. I remember sorrow as I died and fought my own battle not to move on, wanting to comfort the warrior, but unable to, eventually losing my spiritual consciousness.

This certainly helps explain some of my being scared whenever the thought of being a sub comes up. Tuesday, he had asked me to be his sub and I'd had a hard time focusig on my work as memories niggled and caused me to shake. Perhaps this is why, too, that this one slid to the fore so easily, because it was just waiting for the right stimulous to come forward.
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