WAke Up Call.... (p1)

Feb 26, 2009 12:26

Recently, my spouse and I have separated due to certain issues that I waited too long to address. Because of this, my "help" meter gained in perception, and I was out again waiting for the right calling to pull me in.

I was online, chatting, and became drawn to a particular room. I spent 4 nights in that room, absorbing all the energy and giving back as well, feeling call after call, but not one really needing me, per say, but just calling out, looking for affection. I complied, of course, looking for affection myself. Every person in that room, or nearly every one of them, is spiritually charged in one way or another. I felt drawn to nearly all of them! I felt like I had come home. Funny, most vampire-based RP’s chill me because they are filled with posers, and not just RP fun.

My 5th night there, I felt an incredibly strong pull. I was going around interacting with individuals until I found it. Him. He said he felt me in there as well, but ignored it, protecting himself as usual. We spoke and I was pulled in so quickly, my head was spinning, literally. We actually went to another room to speak further. As well, I remained behind in the first one to try and pull myself together. "What the hell just happened!?" One of the co-owners of the room asked me, "Are you sure? I'm concerned." It was an RP, and she was concerned I would get my heart broken. I told her I was more concerned that I would be breaking his heart. This was Sunday night.
We talked into the night, and I went to bed. The next day, I had trouble focusing at work, my heart fluttering, stomach queasy - I was actually feeling like I was having an anxiety attack. Monday.
I had actually been feeling that since the prior week, before I even found that room! Talk about fate. I was drawn home from work, feeling like I had the flu, on a Wednesday and stayed home the rest of the week, except for a few hours on Friday. I still did not feel well. I spent the weekend taking turns with my son going online. I’ll have to ask Him what happened Wednesday during the day. I think I was called, and rather strongly, as my head started hurting around 8:30/9am. Akira, you really know how to work.

Our second night, Monday, I wanted to set some ground rules for RP, and we proceeded to talk further. It went beyond role play and into spiritual, as there was something about him I had to know more about.

I had definitely found a focus once more. He told me what his Guardian says he is. Can’t say as I’ve run into too many of those.

This individual has had a past, WE have had a past, but that’s for later. But current past, his life apparently was not an easy one, and he made some spiritual mistakes that put him into hiding, and might have brought his Guardian to the fore, but I have no idea if she was knowledgeable to him before he made those mistakes, even though she was there.

It was my time, once again.
I show up in a person’s life when I am needed. When that person is ready to grow

We discussed a few things, and he mentioned his Guardian. I turned to look upon her and noted something odd that didn’t quite go with what he told me. A slight dark spot. I searched, neck, shoulders, head, face…. All I could tell is that there was a dark spot somewhere around her face, her neck?. Apparently a notch in her ear. I must have been seeing an odd angle, like perhaps her head was tilted.

I fell into healer mode with Him standing there. Mist. Surrounded by mist. I did not realize this at first, and tried to get him to focus on reducing the surges of spikes I was seeing. I gave him the wrong visualization. I had him end that, and just told him to be calm and relax. I blew on that mist, swirling it, testing it, then slowly stepped within. I guess it was a new and frightening experience for him. He had clouded himself off for so long, and here was someone stepping INTO his barrier. I’d be scared too.
He lowered his mask, but I still could not see him clearly. Stepping closer, he asked me to pause, to give him a moment to catch his breath. At this point, I’m feeling an excitement building in myself.

Each closer step, a little more detail came into focus. He asked me to describe what I was seeing, as no one had been able to describe him, thus far. His skin appears to be almost bronze in shade, not golden, but near, but it is so bright. Not like light is shining from his skin, but like his skin is pale, but also dark.
His hair is a silvery white, with volume, and barely reaches his shoulders, hanging around his face a bit.
I got these impressions as I slowly got closer to him. My physical knee jerked. Good thing I wasn’t standing, I would have stumbled. Spiritually, his guardian had nudged firmly the back of my knee. I confirmed her whereabouts with Him. She was behind me. As I paused my approach again, she nudged me behind both knees. This time, both physical knees jumped in response. She is strong.

Ok, okay already. I was going to slow for her peace of mind. She was basically telling me, “Hurry UP!” I complied.

In his arms, looking at him, gazing up at him as my body trembled, I touched his face, then pulled forward and we kissed.
Can we say, explosion? Energy snapped, sparked and flared from my feathered wings. That has NEVER happened in any of the memories I’ve remembered.
He snapped into focus so clearly, I saw much more than an idea of images. At that point I noticed something else that made me pause and blink. “You have Wings!” His wings were a beautiful combination of leathered and feathered, very much like my Celestial-Energy form, but the two more merged into one. I had trouble discerning their colour, and started thinking “grey”, but knew it was not. I kissed him lightly again, and looked again. Black being White. White being Black. Both extremes, but not.
Seems just setting my lips to his skin brings a clearer image.

Well. Talk about connection. I ended up breaking my own RP rules, and we discussed a depth of understanding in the building relationship.

Again, I didn’t sleep until the wee hours of the morning. And I’m gonna break this up. Whooo. Tuesday at work was a whole new day.
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