Challenge 028: Tic Tac Toe dialogue (and now, for something completely different)

Feb 29, 2008 14:56

I'm a day early! But I'm really excited about this prompt, I think it's going to be a lot of fun - so I'm posting NOW! ^_~

Tic Tac Toe Dialogue

At the beginning of the term, ximxaxstalkerx requested Writer's Block try using the scene grids that some people use to write large sets of fics - basically giving us more than one prompt in a month. I like the idea, but the way I would like to see it implimented, I think it would be best done as a full-term activity. However, this is a little bit like it - so call it a test run if you will. ;)

The challenge is a bit different than normal, so here's how it works. Below, there is a 3 x 3 grid with various lines of dialogue in each square. What I want you to do is pick three of them, in a winning tic tac toe combination. (up and down, side to side, or diagonal) and use those three lines in your fic. The fic can actually be about anything in the Harry Potter universe - but it MUST use three lines from this grid, and they MUST be three lines that would be a win in tic tac toe. Yes, I will actually be checking! ;)

If you want to use more lines, go for it - but again, there must be three that form some kind of a line.

"He's... er... well... kind of... *indisposed* at the moment." 
 "What is that, a mango?"
 "That's either the best idea ever... or the stupidest thing I've ever heard." "Potter! Consider spending some time in class instead of snogging in the broom closet!"
 "Tell me again, how *exactly* your hair ended up this brilliant shade of purple?
 "What the bloody hell *is* that?" "You have all the personality of a pet rock."
 "You know, his patronus should really be a skunk."
 "Get out of my way, you good-for-nothing git."

Please remember to follow the rules in the userinfo regarding posting to Writer's Block, and if you don't like this challenge, you can certainly pick from any of the past challenges!

If you have any questions about this prompt, feel free to leave a comment to this post. If you have general questions or concerns about the community, please submit those as comments to the suggestions/questions post. Happy writing!

*challenge-028, !challenge-posts

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