024, You're Doing It Wrong, Jack, PG

Dec 04, 2007 22:59

Title: You're Doing It Wrong
Author: Jack
Rating: PG for mild language
Character/Pairing: Ron, Hermione
Genre: General
Warnings: Mild language.
Word Count: 295, says MS Word

“These damned gnomes,” growled Ron, his face contorted into a grimace. “I swear, they followed us here, Hermione.”

“Ron, don’t be a ninny. You know that there are gnomes living all over this part of the country, and we couldn’t avoid them if we tried. So hurry up, and degnome the garden, please!” Hermione stood in the doorway of their house, hands on her hips, staring at her pouting husband. “Besides, Ron, that really isn’t a good look for you.” She smirked a bit, then said, “And you know, you have some dirt, just here.” She put her finger to the bridge of her nose, demonstrating to him where his nose bore smudge. He lifted his arm to his face and rubbed, attempting to dislodge it, while Hermione went back inside, laughing a little in remembrance of their first meeting.

“No, really, I think these are the same bloody gnomes,” Ron muttered, as he proceeded to fling a gnome over the far hedge. “I must have some gnome attracting charm on me, or something…” Finally he fell silent, finding it easier to spin the gnomes and sling them over the bushes while not complaining about the job at hand. An hour or so later, the front garden was gnome-free, and Ron breathed a sigh of relief before trudging towards the house. He knew that after such an endeavor, Hermione would be sure to have lunch ready for him.

Ron stepped into the house, sniffing in a hopeful manner. “Hermione…?” The kitchen was cold and didn’t smell of lunch, unfortunately, and Hermione was nowhere in sight. Ron did notice a note standing on the counter, however, and he picked it up eagerly. Aloud and to his dismay he read, You forgot the back garden.

Ron sighed.


character: ron weasley, character: hermione granger, *challenge-024, rating: pg, author: xenylamnie

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