Challenge #87: Closeted

Jun 27, 2011 17:00

Title: Sort it Out

Rating/Warnings: PG - teensy bit of language

Characters/Pairing: Draco/Hermione - Blaise/Ginny

Summary: Blaise and Ginny concoct a plan to get their two best friends to see what's right in front of them.

Word Count: 913

Author's Notes: For Challenge #87, Closeted.

Registered purchases?: Quill, posted to register, not sure if it's logged yet.


913/30=30 pts.
Quill=5 pts

35 points for Ravenclaw

“They're going to kill us, you know that right?”

“Only if they can stop snogging each other long enough to catch us.” Blaise smirked at Ginny, who was pacing the hallway outside the library.

Both had their eyes peeled for the Head Boy and Head Girl. They had a plan. Draco and Hermione had been dancing around each other since the beginning of term, and it was clear they had come to some sort of understanding, but they still didn't acknowledge their real feelings. Both Blaise and Ginny knew that each Head's respective group of friends outside the aforementioned conniving pair would have a hard time understanding why the two were meant to be. Ginny and Blaise would help defuse the situation though. When they came out about their relationship, it might take some of the heat off of Draco and Hermione. Ginny could take a screaming match with Ron, but Hermione might not handle it as well.

Glancing inside the library again, they saw that Draco and Hermione were packing up their things. They tended to study together, and it was easy for Hermione to tell Ron and Harry that it was purely for inter house cooperation. They were the head students and needed to set an example for the others. Maybe it was because Blaise and Ginny were their best friends, but they were seeing something else. The Gryffindor Princess and Prince of Slytherin loved each other...whether they'd figured it out or not. And so Blaise and Ginny had concocted a plan.

A plan that was about to begin.

Laughing at something Draco had said, Hermione walked out of the Library, the Slytherin right behind her. Blaise and Ginny ran up to them, looking out of breath. It was Ginny who spoke first.

“Oh Hermione! Thank Merlin. You two need to come with us. Peeves is terrorizing a few second years up on the second floor, and we couldn't find the Baron anywhere.”

Blaise grabbed Draco's sleeve, dragging him along as Ginny led the way.

Now really, there was no problem on the second floor, and in fact, Peeves was currently bouncing around the Great Hall, pelting Hufflepuffs with yeast rolls left over from dinner.

What was on the second floor though, was a fairly large closet.

When they reached the second floor, Ginny distracted Hermione and Draco, pretending to look around to find Peeves, cursing his sudden disappearance. With a discreet flick of his wand, Blaise had opened the closet, and signalled to Ginny.

“Accio wands!” As Draco and Hermione's wands flew into Ginny's hands, Blaise took their surprise as the perfect time to pull them both backward and into the closet. Closing the door, he locked it.


Yeah, Draco was a wee bit upset.


Yikes, Hermione pulled the full name card. Definitely one pissed off witch.

Ginny leaned her head against the door and began to speak. “You two have a bit to sort out, so we decided to give you a private opportunity to do so.”

Blaise rolled his eyes at her attempted subtlety. “What my beloved red head means is that you two are head over heels crazy in love with each other. Just admit it, and have a good snog so we can all get on with our lives.”

Ginny playfully slapped him on the arm. It wasn't quite how she had wanted to tell Hermione and Draco they were dating, but it would do. “What dearest Blaisey-poo said. We'll be back in a half hour. Sort it out.”

Looping her arm with his, Ginny pulled Blaise away from the closet door.

“Blaisey-poo? Really?” Ginny could only giggle.

In the closet however, it was a different story.

“Well, it's only a half hour. They took our wands, so we may as well just wait it out,” Draco said, his back sliding down the wall until he sat on the floor.

Hermione stood against the opposite wall, stock still.

“Granger. Sit down already.”

“Is it true?”

Draco looked up at her, slightly confused, but finally it hit him. Crazy in love with each other. Right. He was going to slaughter Blaise. However, maybe he had a point.

“That we're crazy in love with each other? Not sure about Zabini's word choice, but I also can't speak for your why don't you tell me?”

Hermione finally sank to the floor. As large as the closet was, it was still a closet, so she shifted to sit next to Draco. This wasn't how she wanted it to happen. She wasn't sure she had ever wanted to tell him, but it seemed fate...or rather, their best friends, had other plans.


“Yeah what?”

“Yes, I'm in love with you, alright? Don't play dumb Malfoy. This is hard enough as it is.”

She turned her head to look at him, but the next thing she knew, he was kissing her. It was better than she could have imagined, and she simply melted into it. Running a hand through her curls, he pulled away softly.

“It doesn't have to be...I love you too Hermione.”

Twenty minutes later, when Blaise and Ginny returned, they were happily surprised. When Ginny unlocked the door, Hermione summoned their wands back, and Draco pulled the door shut tight again.

author: spazzumgurl, character: hermione granger, rating: pg, *challenge-087, character: draco malfoy, character: ginny weasley, character: blaise zabini

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