Jun 25, 2011 02:07

Title: After the War
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (for sex)
Characters/Pairing: Rodolphus/Bellatrix, Rodolphus/Andromeda
Summary: With Bellatrix dead, Rodolphus catches a glimpse of the next best thing... and decides to go for it - JUST before his trial!
Word Count: 1080
Author's Notes: Think of this as an epilogue to all of my schoolboy!Rodolphus works; I even gave Rodolphus's parents some cameos!
And yes, I DID prove that I can still do 1000+ word fics for WB...
P.S. *crucios scortum_lupa for inspiration*
Registered purchases?: ALL

The war was over, and he was one of the very small handful of people on his side still left alive. But the fate that awaited Rodolphus was worse than death: not only had he lost his gorgeous wife (who had left him without an heir), but his trial was in just a few days - and on his birthday at that! For now, he merely had magical wristbands placed on him preventing him from leaving England before justice left him to his fate.

So, each of the remaining nights he had of “freedom” before the trial, he went to an old Pureblood bar called Sanctimonia and drank older and older, stronger and stronger, Firewhisky each night. A few seats away from him, he saw a woman who looked ALMOST like his deceased ex-wife... but didn't want to bring up any old wounds. And then, finally, on May 11 (the night before the trial), he figured he had nothing to lose at this point so, loaded up on some 1848 Italian Reserve Firewhisky, he had some more of it sent over to the woman, whom he recognized as being taller than, less burnt out, and ALMOST as sexy as his beloved wife: remembering that this woman - Andromeda Black - was essentially in the same position as Rodolphus (having lost HER husband and child to the war as well) if on opposite sides! He also vaguely recalled that one time he made out passionately with Andromeda back in his Hogwarts days, having confused her with her older sister for some reason.

As he went up to her, she asked him “Remember that time in my fifth year?” (she, at this point, also having had her fill of 1848 Italian Reserve Firewhisky) with a very seductive grin on her face - to which Rodolphus, figuring he had absolutely nothing to lose - and deserved a good shag at least once (and a good kiss that had nothing to do with a dementor) before the end, responded “Want to finish what we started?” Andromeda, who had always been strongly attracted to Rodolphus, was more than happy to oblige as they went into a back room in Puritas and began snogging each other senseless. Andromeda's kisses, while much more experienced than they had been nearly three decades prior, still felt very different from Bellatrix's: softer and more gentle yet somehow just as passionate. Naturally, they moved further on into intensive, all-consuming, sex that night on the finest linen sheets from that back room.

And then, after this glory, Rodolphus woke up on May 12 and realized it was time for his trial: all the former Death Eaters were being tried for their crimes. Just before Rodolphus's trial, Lucius Malfoy was being tried in the same room. Rodolphus watched in envy and resentment as that blasted Saint Potter spoke up for Lucius - it seemed that just because Lucius married someone who had showed kindness to Harry once in his life, Rodolphus's old boyhood friend, yearmate, and rival would get off scot free with no prison sentence at all.

Ruminating further, Rodolphus wondered what would have happened had he gone for one of Bellatrix's younger sisters as a child rather than striving for Bellatrix herself: noting that by going for the significantly less attractive (at a mere 42, she looked more like 72) youngest sister Narcissa (who, instead of being a wild risk taker knew how to play it safe), Lucius managed to acquire an heir AND maintain a high ranking position in pureblood society, with his wife completely saving a reputation that Lucius would have otherwise burned when the side he chose proved to be the losers. And, of course, Rodolphus could have simply settled down with Andromeda (who, as he remembered, was herself gorgeous, sexy, and amazing in bed) - but the wild ride with the incredibly sexy Bellatrix was completely worth it (even if their plan to wait until they were both thirty to have children completely backfired due to both going for broke with one last torture session and getting sent to Azkaban...)

And now, without Saint Potter vouching for him, Rodolphus figured he was now doomed to spend the rest of his life in Azkaban... until he looked at the Wizengamot and saw his parents Thorfinn and Camilla Lestrange (unlike his in-laws, his birth family generally lived a long time) waving at him from high positions of power: they obviously could not completely exonerate their son without looking VERY suspicious, but Thorfinn's smirk showed that they had *something* up their sleeve regardless - and they would NOT let their eldest son be dragged to his doom!

When the trials all began, Camilla had masterminded a law setting the maximum sentence for Death Eater crimes at seventeen years (chosen as the length of time between Voldemort's two deaths). The jury decided to add two years onto this maximum sentence for escaping from Azkaban, but then Thorfinn found an old law that said that time served retroactively (thirteen years in Rodolphus's case) could be subtracted from his sentence, so when Kingsley Shacklebolt read his decision, he ended up sentencing Rodolphus to a mere six years in Azkaban (with release on on his fiftieth birthday).

Before being sent off to Azkaban, though, Andromeda was allowed to have a few brief words with Rodolphus. She said “I think I'm pregnant...” and both, reading each other's minds (and having lost either kids of their own or having a chance to do so) figured that they could do A LOT worse than ending up with each other... so she concluded “so it looks like Teddy will have a younger aunt or uncle in nine months.” Rodolphus, weighing his options, proposed to Andromeda - who was more than happy to accept.

So, as Rodolphus was taken off to Azkaban, he ruminated on his choices once more: after all, he had already survived much more than six years in a much harsher Azkaban with Dementors - if he survived 13 years then, what would six years now be? And, if after that he was going to end up still married into the Black family and with an heir as well? Seems like he came ahead pretty well after all! He would definitely be looking forward to Andromeda, Teddy, and his future child visiting him from time to time... and then, on his fiftieth birthday, all would be right with the world again!

1080 words/30 = 36 base points
36 + 10 bonus points = 46 points for Slytherin!

character: andromeda tonks, author: mmailliw, character: bellatrix lestrange, pairing: bellatrix/rodolphus, character: rodolphus lestrange, !fic-amnesty-day, rating: pg-13

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