2 fics, Challenge #29 + #24

Apr 25, 2011 12:10

Challenge #29: Candy
Title: Homemade
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley
Summary: Scorpius gets a box from home
Word Count: 262
Author's Notes: Part 20 of my Stutter Series. Previous Parts.
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

Two weeks before Christmas holiday started Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy received a box from his mother. He quickly opened it to reveal her infamous homemade candies. He gasped quietly.

“What is it?” Albus Severus Potter asked, concerned. Scorpius gestured quickly and pushed the box across the table to his best friend, grabbing a handful of sweets in the process. “Oh yes! Your mom’s the best!” Albus exclaimed excitedly. “May I?”

Scorpius smiled, shoved a piece of candy into his mouth and nodded. He chewed happily as Albus took a handful of the candy from the box and stuffed them in his own mouth. “Candy? For breakfast?” Rose Weasley frowned from her seat next to her cousin, peering warily into the box. “Aunt Ginny would be so mad if she knew.”

“But mom’s not here, is she? What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Albus responded, popping more sweets into his mouth and grinning.

“Well, maybe she will know,” Rose said nonchalantly.

Albus’s smile faded and he stopped chewing. Across the table Scorpius continued to munch happily on the candy, oblivious to the feuding cousins. “You wouldn’t,” ALbus said nervously.

Rose smirked. “I just might. Do you really want to try me?”

Albus swallowed his mouthful and sadly pushed the box back across the table to his blond best friend. He then picked up his fork and speared a sausage. “This better?” he asked the redheaded Ravenclaw next to him. She smiled and nodded before returning her attention to her own food and the book she was reading.

Challenge #24: Gnomes
Title: The Burrow
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Molly Weasley, various Potters
Summary: Scorpius visits the Burrow for the first time
Word Count: 462
Author's Notes: Part 21 of my Stutter Series. Previous Parts.
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

Winter break once again saw Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy staying with his best friend. Their mothers had worked it out so that Scorpius would stay at the other boy’s house upon leaving Hogwarts and then on Christmas day the whole family would take him home and join the Malfoys for Christmas dinner. Scorpius couldn’t be happier about this arrangement.

Albus Severus Potter loved having his best friend around. It was great to have someone around who knew him better than anyone else, someone who understood him, someone he could tell anything to. He and Scorpius hadn’t been apart for more than a couple of hours at a time since August 1st and it was going to stay that way for a long time. They were already planning their summer together.

Scorpius loved being with Albus’s family. It was always loud and busy at his house. Between his two siblings and their friends, his many cousins and the neighborhood kids there were always a lot of people in the house. While Scorpius didn’t do well with lots of other people he loved the noise of a busy house. Malfoy Manor was always so quiet.

This day they were going to the Burrow, Albus’s grandparent’s home. Scorpius had never been to the Burrow before and was looking forward to meeting more of the other Gryffindor’s family. Albus’s parents took the four children in pairs by side-along apparition to just outside the garden of the large and crooked house.

They entered through the gate and as they walked toward the house Scorpius watched a small group of garden gnomes make their way across the frost covered garden to take shelter in a long crack in the garden’s stone wall. He smiled at them; they glared at him.

The Potters and Scorpius entered the kitchen of the Burrow and immediately Scorpius was bombarded with the smells of a large home cooked meal. Every scent was represented, from fresh bread to savory pork roast to sweet apple turnovers. A sweet looking older woman stood in the middle of the kitchen with her arms spread open in a welcoming gesture. “Ginny! Harry!” she exclaimed, moving closer to the group and hugging Albus’s parents.

“James, you get more handsome each time I see you,” she said, pulling the eldest Potter child into a hug. “Albus, you’re growing up so fast!” She hugged the brunette. “And Lily, cute as a button, as usual,” she smiled and hugged the small redhead.

“Grandma Molly, this is Scorpius, my best friend,” Albus introduced the blond. Scorpius held out his hand but was swept up into a hug a moment later.

“Any friend of my grandchild is automatically part of the family. Welcome.”

262/30 = 8.7
9+5 bonus = 14
462/30 = 15.4
15+5 bonus = 20
14+20 = 34

34 Point for Hufflepuff!

Hanson Phreek // Hufflepuff

character: scorpius malfoy, character: rose weasley, *challenge-029, era: next gen, character: albus severus, *challenge-024, rating: g, author: hanson_phreek

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