CHALLENGE #34: Correspondence

Apr 24, 2011 14:43

Title: Sybill's Folly
Rating/Warnings: G/none
Characters/Pairing: Sybill Trelawney, Dumbleore
Summary: Professor Trelawney is concerned over her latest vision.
Word Count: 625
Author's Notes: CHALLENGE #34: Correspondence
Registered purchases?: Both

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

Last night I was crystal gazing and was struck by the spirits with many a dreadful vision! As many of the disastrous events involve Hogwarts, I feel it is my responsibility, nay DUTY, as a Hogwarts professor these last sixteen years to warn you of these tragic events yet to come!

On Tuesday next, the kitchens will run out of pumpkin juice. This may seem inane, but it will cause a riot! The demand for the juice among the students will ripple through the Great Hall. This will trigger a series of very unfortunate events! During the riot, one of the students - his name is Harry Potter of Gryffindor, perhaps you've noticed him around the grounds once or twice - will receive a paper cut. This paper cut will be his demise! I have seen it, thank the spirits, and now perhaps it may be prevented altogether. The boy is to go swimming in the lake during a Care of Magical Creatures lesson, and - oh the horror! the tragedy! I shall not speak of it! - But beware!

Sincerely yours,
Professor Sybill Trelawney


Dear Professor Dumbledore,

The fates have persuaded me to tell you despite my earlier inclinations towards secrecy. I had second thought about revealing the secrets of fate but now I see the error of my judgement, and it is for the boy's own good and the continued good reputation of the school that surely I must divulge them to you! As I was saying about the paper cut and the boy who lived - he will go swimming with the class. But the paper cut, oh that cursed paper cut! The lake will have an infestation of sharks, and you know, or maybe you don't, but sharks can smell the tiniest drop of blood in the water. Don't make me say it - the boy meets his doom in that lake, sir! We must prevent all such swimming in class and further more, we must start a wild shark hunt to make sure this fate does not befall a single student at this school! Oh, the tragedy it would bring, headmaster! The boy who lived! Meet his match in a hungry shark!? We must not let it happen! Please advise best course of action immediately.

Respectfully yours,
Professor Trelawney


Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I am writing to inquire about my previous two correspondences regarding my latest visions into the future events. I have not heard a reply and I fear time is running short, head master! We must act. Yesterday I journeyed from my tower to stroll around the lake and I believe, no, am positive! That I saw a shark fin in the water! And then later at dinner, I over heard a whisper about no pumpkin juice. The shark! The riot that causes the paper cut! All the pieces are falling into place. Time is running out!

Respectfully and dutifully trying to save the day,
Professor Sybill Trelawney


Dear Professor Dumbledore,

Please stop ignoring me, I know you're receiving my letters, I have seen it thanks to the spirits.



Dumbledore -
This is a very serious matter that requires your attention! Please respond quickly.
Respectfully yours,
Sybill Trelawney, Respected Seer of the Third Degree and soon to be former professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


My Dearest Sybill,

I have received your letters and am looking into the matter. Rest assured, there is plenty of pumpkin juice in the kitchens so I think we are currently safe from any shark attacks. Please let me know if you have any further concerns regarding this or any other matters.

Albus Dumbledore
Order of Merlin
High Chief of the Wizengamot

(625 words/30) + 10 bonus = 31 points

*challenge-034, character: sibyll trelawney, author: fancifull, character: albus dumbledore

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