challenges #8, #54 & #87

Apr 10, 2011 23:34

Title: Friends in the Strangest Places
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Draco, Luna
Summary: Draco gets lost in the Forbidden Forest and meets the strangest creature.
Word Count: 1120
Author's Notes: I could almost ship it. I like the idea of them, at any rate. ^_^ Luna, dotty as she is, would be good for Draco.
Registered purchases?: Both

Challenge #8: The Forbidden Forest


Title: With Eyes Open
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Hermione, Ginny, Luna
Summary: Hermione and Ginny return to Hogwarts for their final year, and are met with a confronting sight.
Word Count: 1033
Author's Notes: I pretty much despise book!DH (not the movie, for the movie is flawless) but there are two parts that make me tear up. The moment that Ginny recollects here is one of them (although I took the liberty of picking a student from canon, since the girl in question remains unnamed in DH)
Registered purchases?: Both

Challenge #54: Fantastic Beasts


Title: Trapped
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Hermione, Snape
Summary: Hermione and Snape get trapped in a closet.
Word Count: 1436
Author's Notes: I loved this challenge so much I'm doing it again! I do so enjoy Hermione and Snape being forced to interact at close quarters and being all awkward and snarky in turns.
Registered purchases?: Both

Challenge #87: Closeted


Genius that I am, I only just realized that the 125 points/week doesn't include the bonus item points. *facepalm* Duh, self. *shakes head*

(1120/30 = 37.3) + (1033/30 = 34.4) + (1436/30 = 47.8) + (bonus x 3 = 30)
==> 118.8 + 30
==> 149 points for Slytherin

character: severus snape, character: luna lovegood, character: hermione granger, author: borg_princess, character: draco malfoy, character: ginny weasley

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