challenges #5 and #75

Apr 04, 2011 01:20

Title: Something Blue
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Hermione/Ron (I DON'T EVEN SHIP IT, WHAT IS THIS?)
Summary: Hermione freaks out. Ron is patient and long-suffering.
Word Count: 627
Author's Notes: Um...I am flabbergasted to have written R/Hr. O.o What has this comm done to me? I saw an obvious story for this prompt and wrote it, despite ( Read more... )

character: ron weasley, *challenge-075, character: sirius black, era: trio, character: hermione granger, author: borg_princess, pairing: ron/hermione, *challenge-005

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Comments 2

anbyrobanby April 3 2011, 17:49:41 UTC
Aww, that first one is really lovely and sweet. For someone who doesnt follow the ship, you really got the dynamics down well for the two of them ;)

And the second.... man, it reminds me of Sliding Doors. One tiny change in a story and a massive great butterfly effect comes a-calling afterward. I do have a love for what-if scenarios, and this is awesomely done.

Nice work >:D


borg_princess April 6 2011, 05:26:45 UTC
Thanks a lot for this comment! I'm so pleased you thought I pulled off R/Hr, because yeah, as someone who's not into the ship, it was a bit awkward but I could not think of anything else, as soon as I saw 'blue', I thought of that old wedding rhyme and had to do it! It was...actually not that bad writing them, gosh, IDEK who I am anymore, lol.

Awww! I really appreciate your thoughtful and flattering comments! ♥


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