Title: Brother Wands
Characters/Pairing: Voldemort's wand, Harry Potter's wand
Rating: G
Word Count: 220
Summary: The wand chooses the wizard.
Author's notes: For Challenge #62: The Wand Chooses the Wizard.
Purchases: Both registered.
vintageflame Title: The Accidental Slytherin
Characters/Pairing: Peter, Marauders and Slytherins as minor characters.
Rating: G
Warnings: Peter's a rat. Figuratively not literally (though that also).
Word Count: 545
Summary: Peter's accidental slide to the Dark Side.
Author's notes: For Challenge 89: The Best Slytherins are in Gryffindor.
Purchases: Both registered.
vintageflame Title: Luna's Best Memory
Characters/Pairing: Luna, Luna's mum
Rating: G
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 323
Summary: Luna remembers her last birthday with her mum.
Author's notes: For
alex_parker and Challenge #54: Fantastic Beasts.
Purchases: Both registered.
vintageflame Fic: 7 + 18 + 11 = 36 points 33 points (maxed out)
Items: 30 points
Total: 63 points