challenges #89 and #90

Mar 28, 2011 10:39

Challenge #89: Snakes and  Lions
Title:  Well Begun is Half Done
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters: Hermione, Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Summary: The effects of Tom Riddle’s schemes are still felt, even after his death. Professor McGonagall takes drastic measures to set things right.
Word Count: 1547
Author's Notes: OMG, I’ve had this fic in my head for ages now, I’ve practically memorized lines to it, but I can’t believe it took me so long to finally type it out, ack!

“Now, you won’t like what I have to say, but under the circumstances- as the Muggles say, desperate times call for desperate measures.”  

Challenge #90: Bathroom

Title: Blissful Disharmony
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters: Hermione, Draco
Summary: Living with Draco is driving Hermione crazy.
Word Count:  671
Author's Notes: Unlike my second fic, I made this up on the fly. I spent a lot of the half hour tearing my hair out, trying to work out where the plot was going, hence, not much of a word count. Still, I think it turned out okay!

The last thing Hermione needed when she was running late was to rush into the bathroom only to be confronted by a half-dressed pureblood prat.
671/30 + bonus = 22.3 + 10 = 32
1547/30 + bonus = 51.5 + 10 = 62

==> 94 points for Slytherin.

*challenge-090, character: severus snape, character: hermione granger, *challenge-089, author: borg_princess, character: draco malfoy, character: minerva mcgonagall

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