Challenge #90: Bathroom

Mar 27, 2011 14:11

Title: Awkward Meetings
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Teddy, Victoire, random OC some Teddy/Victoire
Summary: Three months after they broke up, Teddy and Victoire were still sharing a flat.
Word Count: 819
Registered purchases?: Both!

Three months after they broke up, Teddy and Victoire were still sharing a flat. It wasn’t that they were trying to rekindle the relationship or that they were too nervous to move on, it was mostly because neither of them had a particularly well-paying job and it was much cheaper this way. They worked at somewhat conflicting times (Teddy mostly doing night shifts as a trainee at St. Mungo’s and Victoire working during the day for the Daily Prophet) and so didn’t even really see each other every day. They occasionally bumped into each other in the early morning, or perhaps at lunch or dinner, but their various social activities drew them away just as much as work and so quite often they saw the most of each other at Weasley Family Sunday Dinners. This conflict of schedules did not, however, prevent them from occasionally meeting up at rather awkward times.

Victoire was currently trying to untangle herself from the knot of blankets that she had somehow got herself tied up in. She could hear the man from last night (she couldn’t remember his name at the moment and doubted that he would be able to remember hers either going off how drunk they had both been) washing his face in the bathroom. As she took a break from the frenetic blanket-unwrapping to massage her throbbing head, she hoped that he wouldn’t notice Teddy’s things and get the impression that she was dating someone. She glanced briefly at the clock on the wall (it was about six thirty in the morning), realized that Teddy would probably be home soon, and then began hoping that he wouldn’t inadvertently walk in on the man in the bathroom. In fact, it would be best if she could get the man to leave before Teddy got home at all.

Just as Victoire finally detached herself from the last of the blankets and rolled off the bed with a thud, she heard a key in the door and cursed under her breath. She pushed herself off the floor, trying very hard to ignore the sudden onslaught of nausea, and darted to the bathroom. The man from last night was currently drying his hands.

“You,” she hissed. He looked over at her curiously and grinned. “Stop smiling and get out. My… erm, flatmate just got home and you need to leave now.”

His grin turned into an expression reminiscent of a wounded puppy. “Can’t I at least stay for breakfast?”




She shooed him out of the bathroom and then splashed some water on her face and finger combed through her hair in an attempt to look halfway decent and not like someone who had just spent a wild drunken night with a one night stand. From outside the half-open door, she could hear murmurings of awkward male conversation and she groaned. Victoire remained in the bathroom, pawing around under the sink for the bottle of Hangover Potion that she knew was surely there somewhere, until the door of the flat opened then closed and it became quiet outside once more.

“Are you looking for something?” Teddy asked from the doorway, startling Victoire so much that she hit her head on the cupboard door.

“Nope, found it,” she muttered, rubbing the sore spot on her head and wincing, but victoriously clutching a small bottle. “Did you come in here for something?”

“Yeah, I was looking for some Sleakeazy’s Hair Potion…” Teddy trailed off. “I have a, er, breakfast…meeting.”

“Date,” Victoire finished for him. “It’s fine, you can say the word in front of me.”

“Speaking of which, I met your, uh, Robert I think it was. He spilled ink all over the kitchen counter when he went to shake my hand.”

“Sorry about that,” Victoire apologized, absentmindedly reaching for her toothbrush. She picked up Teddy’s instead, then blushed and swapped it for her own, hoping he hadn’t noticed.

Apparently he had. “How are we ever going to move on from this relationship if we keep sharing the same sink?” he muttered.

“I think we’re moving on just fine,” Victoire replied defensively. “You’ve got a date, I had, er, Robert. You know. We’re both moving on. Anyway, why do you need Sleakeazy’s? You’re a bloody Metamorhmagus, can’t you just make your hair slick without potion?”

Teddy shrugged. “It won’t stay. Believe me, I’ve tried in the past.”

“Yeah, I remember,” Victoire said with a smile. On their second date he had showed up with his hair slicked back, but it had reverted to its usual casually ruffled mess by the end of the night. “Maybe it’s because you lose your concentration and it changes back.”

“Could be,” Teddy said thoughtfully. “It was always hard to concentrate on my appearance when we were on dates together.”

They shared a smile at this remark, and Victoire began to wonder if she really wanted to move on.

(819/30) + 10 bonus= 37 points for Hufflepuff!

character: victoire weasley, *challenge-090, rating: pg, character: teddy lupin, author: darkgondolier, era: next gen

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