1 fic; Challenge #56

Mar 27, 2011 09:01

Title: Broken
Rating/Warnings: g
Characters/Pairing: Tonks, mention of Remus/Tonks
Summary: Remus left her, and she doesnt feel like the same person she was before.
Word Count: 247
Author's Notes: blip blip :D
Registered purchases?:booooth!

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author: native_spirit, character: nymphadora tonks, *challenge-056

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Comments 2

likealight March 26 2011, 21:32:29 UTC
Lol Gini can you bottle whatever it is that makes you write as much as you do share please.

She could slam the walls, bruise herself, cry until she was out of tears, and do it all over again- but it wouldn’t change the fact that Remus Lupin had broken her heart. And a broken heart continues to beat, so she continued to live

This is a (sad but) lovely sentence. :'(


native_spirit March 27 2011, 03:30:38 UTC
here you go! It is called 'I CAN HAZ HOUSE CUP?' :D lol. i think i just have waaaaaay too much free time.

thank you!!! i wuite like the depressingness of this fic ^^

ALSO, your icon \0/ MEAN GIRLS IS EPIC!


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