Term XIX Fic Exchange Update

Mar 14, 2011 00:25

Assignments have been sent out! If you've NOT received yours for some reason, contact me ASAP. I'm also sorry for messing up the matches for a few of you :P apparently I can't read my own handwriting ><

Some of you have assignments that might not be what you'd expected. I've tried my best to fit all your requests, but there are some lumpy parts, so I hope you don't mind something different. If you find that you cannot write what you've been assigned, PM me immediately or comment to this post.

Fics are due 25th March 2011, 2359 UTC. There will be a submission post for you to drop off your fics (links for NC-17 stories).

Again, if you need clarification from your giftee, PM or email me. If you have any questions or problems, PM me or comment here. And if something crops up and you cannot complete your assignment, contact me by PM, email or LJ comment ASAP.

The rules and guidelines are right here at this nifty link in case you're wondering about points and words~

Suggestions and Qs | Need a tag? | Bonus items registration!

!fic-exchange, !mod-post

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