1 fic; Challenge #51 (Rare Pairs)

Mar 13, 2011 23:58

Title: Imperfections.
Rating/Warnings: g
Characters/Pairing: Scabior/Tonks
Summary: in the early morning, Scabior thinks about the fact that while Tonks has many imperfections, and their relationship is anything but perfect, he wouldnt have it any other way.
Word Count: 635
Author's Notes: abuse of this challenge continues.
Registered purchases?: both! yay!!

He loved waking up next to her.
In the early morning light that filtered through the drapes around her bed, her electric blue hair glowed in the dust like the sky outside.
She was beautiful; there was no denying that fact. But she wasn’t as perfect as he had always thought, before he’d started dating her. He’d romanticised her, when he couldn’t have her. And watching her from the other side of the great hall, she had seemed perfect, apart from the fact that Charlie Weasley’s arm was always wrapped around her waist.
Scabior had known she was a metamorphmagus too, and so he’d thought that she would be as perfect as possible. She could hide anything she didn’t like, couldn’t she?
Watching her sleep, the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, he could see all her imperfections. The birth mark on her collarbone. Her nose was slightly too long. One of her front teeth was slightly crooked. There was a small scar on her left cheek. She bit her fingernails, which were painted with chipped black nail polish. There were dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep; partly his fault, of course.
But he didn’t care that she wasn’t as perfect as she’d looked before. He loved her. He loved all of her, and what she didn’t hide said something about her. About how free spirited and down to earth she was.
She wasn’t a perfect person. She could be annoying, she got angry and over-reacted. But he was far from perfect, so who was he to judge?
Especially as there were so many things about her that, although not perfect, were absolutely amazing. Her laugh. Her lopsided smile. Her bright hair. The way she looked at him from across a classroom, her eyes dangerously flirtatious, one eyebrow cocked. The feel of her small hand enclosed in his. The heat from her breath in his ear, the touch of her skin pressed against his. The way she blushed when he told her that he loved her.
He could never imagine her any other way. All her imperfections, they were a part of who she was.
And he would never want her to change. Not for him.
Perfection was impossible, he knew that. But Nymphadora Tonks, to him, was startlingly close.
She rolled onto her side, yawning, and moved closer into his chest. He smiled watching her sigh as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
Her dark eyes found his face and she smiled cheekily before kissing him good morning.
“It’s almost six.” She checked her watch and glanced back at him, her eyes worried. But he just nodded, pulling the covers back and dressing. She pulled her dressing gown on and followed him out the Hufflepuff common room and down the hall, where a hidden passage behind an old, dusty tapestry would lead him to the Slytherin boys dorm.
They didn’t want anyone to know. They both got enough ridicule from people in their own houses as is.
Her hand slips into his.
“Tonight?” he asks, leaning forward, their foreheads touching.
“Tonight.” She confirms, her free hand stroking his unshaven cheek. “I’ll miss you.”
He kisses her gently. “Goodbye, beautiful.”
He doesn’t want her to be caught out in her dressing gown and nothing else at six in the morning. That could raise any number of awkward questions.
Leaving her behind he takes the winding passage in the dark, but his mind is still consumed by her. Her smell. Her sad smile, every time they say goodbye like this.
He wishes they didn’t have to be so secretive. But that was part of the fun; trying not to get caught. And having fun came hand in hand with her.
And he really wouldn’t have her any other way.

+10 for bonuses= 31 points for Gryffindor!!

author: native_spirit, character: nymphadora tonks, *challenge-051, character: scabior

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