1 fic; Challenge #51 (Rare Pairs)

Mar 06, 2011 23:48

Title: Hoping
Rating/Warnings: g
Characters/Pairing: Scabior/Tonks
Summary: Scabior wishes Tonks and Charlie would break up already. then maybe he would actually stand a chance.
Word Count: 596
Author's Notes: blerg.
Registered purchases?: both!

He is fourteen, and much too shy to talk to her in front of people.
She’s always surrounded by a huge gang of friends; no matter how much she tells him she feels alone, she never really is. Not only is there practically half of Hufflepuff house to get around, or so it seems, there’s also her insanely jealous Quidditch star Gryffindor boyfriend.
She insists he’s not insanely jealous; but he sees it in the glares he is given from across the hall.
Apparently he, being a Slytherin, is not allowed to so much as look at Charlie Weasley’s girlfriend, let alone help her with her transfiguration homework.
But Scabior knows that look is all he’ll be able to do while that Weasel is in the picture, because she absolutely fawns over him. She loves him; he can see it in her eyes. But he’ll be leaving next year, so Scabior is holding on, hoping things will change. That she can make room for him in her heart.
There is just something about Nymphadora Tonks that is mesmerizing. There’s something to the curves of her body, of her legs and chest and hips, something in the way her smile literally lights up a room, something in the way that her hair changes colour when she laughs, that makes him stare. That makes him want her.
It’s so difficult, when they have study sessions, not to put his hand on hers, to see what her skin feels like. Not to push loose strands of electric blue hair back behind her ear. Not to kiss her, just to see how she would react. He tries so hard not to touch her. Even the smallest touch when he passes her a quill sends shivers through his whole body.
He wishes she and Charlie would break up. It makes him sick to his stomach, seeing them walk down the hall together, his arm around her waist, and while she chats away, his eye wanders to the girls walking past. He would never be able to look away from her. He feels horrible wanting it, knowing it would make her upset.
But he could make her happy again.
He wants to scream in happiness when they start to fight. She starts talking to him more instead; they don’t just study and help each other with homework anymore. He feels like she might actually consider him a friend; or hopefully something more.
But when he finally pulls up the courage to kiss her, it doesn’t go at all as planned.
She responds for three, maybe four seconds- four of the best seconds of his pitiful existence- before pulling away in confusion, shaking her head.
“I can’t.” Is all she whispers, over and over. A squeeze of the hand and she’s gone, fluttering into the darkness. Leaving him alone.
He would have maybe given up if he hadn’t seen her tears.
Instead, he bides his time. She still comes to their study sessions, she still helps him with his potions essay, and he still helps her with transfiguration. She just acts as if he never kissed her.
And maybe it’s for the best while she’s still dating that jerk.
But Scabior knows that one day soon, she’ll be available again, and with luck, he’ll be first in line.
He knows that’s the best he can hope for, because Nymphadora Tonks is stunning and attractive and funny, and he’s not the only guy in the castle with an eye for her.
He just doesn’t want her to have an eye for any of them.

596/30= 19.8
+10 for bonuses=30 points for Gryffindor!

character: charlie weasley, author: native_spirit, character: nymphadora tonks, *challenge-051, character: scabior

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