Challenge #85

Jan 18, 2011 00:44

Title: Can't We Just Talk?
Summary:Scabior wants to talk to Tonks about new years resolutions, but she's not keen on the idea.
Word Count:634
Author's Notes: i know its a weird pairing, but i like it. :)
Registered purchases?: both

Tonks was lounging in a chair in the library, enjoying its emptiness- nearly everyone was off home on holiday. Sighing happily, she flipped the page of her book, squirming round in the chair until her feel were hanging over the arm. She kicked off her shoes. As long as no one disturbed her, this was set to be a good new years.
Scabior always seemed to disturb her when she wanted silence.
“Happy new year!” he announced, holding out a small daisy.
Eyebrows raised, Tonks’ eyes flicked to the flower and then back to her book. “Thanks.”
Scabior frowned. He just wanted to talk to her. Surely she could give him that much? He surveyed her silently, trying to discern if she would go off at him if he spoke again. She didn’t look angry, but he did notice she was wearing mismatched socks.
He pointed this out to her.
“mmm.” She wiggled her toes, one foot striped, and one yellow. “The other yellow one is somewhere in your dorm, I'm sure.” The corners of her mouth lifted in the smallest of smiles.
Scabior took this as a sign that talking was okay. The only one he would have to look out for would be Madam Pince.
“So... new year. Any resolutions?”
She frowned, folding the corner of her book and putting it on the ground before looking at him. “I don’t make resolutions. It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have to wait for a new year for a reason to change something about myself. Can do that anytime, cant I?”
He shrugged. “Sure, I guess. I don’t make resolutions like that though, mine are more like goals to achieve over the year.”
She brought her legs up to her chest. “Really? Like what?”
He gave a coy grin. “For starters... I want to prank the Gryffindor Quidditch locker room. Cover it with Slytherin banners. You’ll help?”
She shook her head, grinning. “Sure. What else?”
“Well, I dunno, I was thinking... more... us. You and me.” He looked down, taking her hand in his.
“If that’s the case, I will allow you to hug me once a month.”
“Only once?”
Her smile widened. “Once. Maybe twice when it’s your birthday.”
He looked up at her. She was blushing a little, which he took as good sign. He pulled her to her feet. “So if I hug you now...”
“Oh dear, there’s January gone already... 1 down, 11 more to go...”
He wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her strawberry scented blue hair. Her arms wrapped around him, and he could almost feel her contagious smile against his chest.
“You failed to put a time limit on these hugs... I just wont let go till February.”
“That's not fair.”
He stepped back, studying her face, now devoid of any smile. Her emotions always changed so quickly, and he never saw it coming, nor knew what he had said wrong.
“Is it really?”
Her arms dropped and she turned, picking up her book.
“It is when it’s you and me.” She turned back to look at him, her face sad now. “Because no matter what, I’ll always be the Hufflepuff related to Sirius Black, and you’re a Slytherin with a less that pure bloodline. We’re not meant to be friends.”
“That’s unfair.” He complained. He couldn’t help who or what he was, could he? Did she expect him to control his feelings for her?
“It’s not, though.”
“We could keep it secret.” He told her, feeling desperate.
The corner of her mouth gave a small twitch.
She walked out of the library, leaving him alone with the small daisy still clutched in his palm. He hated social barriers. He hated them.
He’d teach her to forget them. That would be his new years resolution.

634/30 + bonus= 31 points for Gryffindor!

author: native_spirit, character: nymphadora tonks, rating: g, *challenge-085, character: scabior

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