#79 Trick - Black Goo

Oct 18, 2010 19:30

Title: Black Goo
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Ginny
Summary: Harry gets tricked by the twins.
Word Count: 528
Author's Notes: n/a
Registered purchases?: n/a

Harry looked down at his hands. They were covered with a thick black goo. He knew what this was of course, it was one of Fred and George's tricks. What drove him mad, though, was the fact that he couldn't even get his wand to undo the spell.

"Ron," Harry said to Ron who was sitting across the room reading a book (Hermione was surprised too until she saw it was about Quidditch).

Ron looked up from the book and his eyes fixed on Harry. Then they moved to his hands. His eyes widened and then he started to laugh hysterically. "Oh, that's brilliant!" he kept saying.

"Shut up!" Harry yelled but it was no use, he, too, was dying of laughter.

"You reckon you can get it out?" Ron asked, once he was able to breathe again.

Harry shook his head. "No," he said. "I can't grab a hold of anything at all. Do you think you can help me out?" Harry pointed to Ron's wand.

"Me? Don't you think that's a bit...I don't know...risky. I mean, I can hardly get a spell right." A flash of disappointment took over his eyes. Ron had been having trouble lately with conjuring a spell. Harry knew what the problem was, though, Hermione was in one of those moods again and Ron, who everybody knew loved her, had his own moods every time they fought.

"Oh, come on, Ron. Just try it at least. I don't want to get goo on the carpet." They were staying at the Borrow for Christmas and Harry knew how hard Mrs. Weasley tried to keep the house as clean as possible.

Just then, Fred burst through the door. "Did we get you, Harry?" he said and then looked at the goo in Harry's hand (it was also starting to drip dangerously across the floor).

George followed Fred into the room and didn't even utter a word. He started laughing and soon, all three Weasleys couldn't control themselves. Harry didn't understand what was so funny about it.

"Right," Harry said. "I don't get your practical jokes, really."

"Harry, don't you get it?" George and Fred said in unison. Harry and Ron looked at each other, suddenly realizing that this might have not been just goo.

"Get what?" Ginny Weasley entered the room, probably curious as to what was happening. She sat down on Ron's bed and stared at Harry's hands. Then, to George and Fred, she said, "You did not do that!"

"Do what?" Ron asked.

"Well," Fred started. "This is our new invention, see--"

"We're testing it out and--" George continued.

"The goo actually prevents you from--"

"Performing spells correctly." George finished the sentence.

Suddenly, Ron's eyes grew wider than Harry had ever seen. "So that's what you did to me?"

"And it worked!" The twins said it so happily but Ron wasn't feeling it. He ran across the room and chased the twins, who ran down the stairs.

"So I can't do magic?" Harry said, looking down at his hands.

"Just for a bit," Ginny responded. "It wears off after a few weeks."

Harry wasn't sure that he liked the idea.


528/30: 17.6 --> 18 points for Hufflepuff

character: ron weasley, character: harry potter, *challenge-079, character: george weasley, author: thewordmap, character: fred weasley, rating: g, character: ginny weasley

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