Challenge#75-One Small Moment

Oct 18, 2010 18:25

Title: Unrequited
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for some language.
Characters/Pairing: Lily Evans/Severus Snape
Summary: Severus lets his true feelings slip out in the heat of the moment.
Word Count:334
Author's Notes: I liked this prompt
Registered purchases?: Both

"What is your problem, Severus? Why are you avoiding me?" Lily demanded, glaring at the boy she considered her best friend. Lately, things between the two were tense. Severus would look away from her when they passed in the hallway and was never able to see her. They went from spending time together everyday to not seeing each other at all.

"I'm not avoiding you, Lily. I've simply been preoccupied," Severus said. His facial expression was stoic, giving away nothing.

"Preoccupied? All of a sudden I'm not worthy of your time?" she asked angrily, crossing her arms.

He sighed, seemingly annoyed by her questioning.

"I have a lot to deal with right now, so I apologize if I am not attentive to your needs."

"How dare you, Severus! You know how much you mean to me," Lily said angrily, trying to suppress her tears.

"Apparently not as much as he does."

Lily's eyes widened in shock from the statement. She felt her body tremble and her heart jammed into her throat.

"What is your problem? Ever since I've started dating James, you act like I've done something to you. I know he hasn't been the nicest person to you, but he's changed. He makes me happy, Sev."

"Well, then I'm happy for you," he said coldly. He started to walk away.

"I can't believe how selfish you are being!"

Severus wheeled around, unable to contain his anger any longer.

"I'M selfish? All I've ever done was try to make you happy, Lily! I would have done anything for you, but it wasn't good enough. I can't just stand by and watch you with him while I suffer for it! Can't you see how much I love-"

Severus stopped speaking, but the damage was done. Lily was stunned and found herself at a loss for words. There was an uncomfortable silence between them for a moment before Severus snapped himself back to attention.

"Forget I said a word," he said finally before walking away.

She never would forget.


Bonus items=10

author: one_song_for_me, character: severus snape, character: lily evans-potter, *challenge-075

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