Fic amnesty day - three with no challenge

Sep 25, 2010 21:09

Rating/Warnings: Slight variation of the canon time line. I realized after rambling this out that Gellert had left that same day, but this takes place the next morning.
Characters/Pairing: Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald
Summary: After his sister's death.
Word Count: 243
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill and Parchment

The two boys stood, eyes forward towards the sunrise. Swirls of orange and violet and pink covered the sky, broken only by the clouds. The boys had their hands clasped together, the physical connection the only thing that acknowledged their closeness. Everything else about them was stiff and empty. Vacant.

The auburn haired boy, slight freckles littering his face, was crying. His brilliant blue eyes shined with the teas, but still he stood still as a statue. The hill, usually filled with the drumming music of morning birds, was silent, as if recognizing and sympathizing with the boy's mourning.

He looked much younger, standing there, than how he felt. Than how old he actually was. He felt ancient. He felt jaded. Most of all, he felt like his was drowning. And at that moment, the other boy was his only lifeline. His friend. His confidant. His destroyer. He wanted the ability to let go, to let his hand fall down to his side, but he was entirely aware how useless that idea would be, how lost he already was.

"She's dead." His voice sounded distant, much younger than he was. The hand in his tightened its grip. Yes, the hand said. She's gone. He closed his eyes to imprison the tears.

"I killed her." His voice cracked. The hand gripped tighter.

"You would never." The other boy responded.

Characters/Pairing: Lily/James
Summary: Lily, thoughts Godric's Hollow
Word Count: 252
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill and Parchment

She enjoyed her time outside. She had always been more comfortable surrounded by fresh air and dirt than trapped within some walls with windows being her only glimpse of the world around her. She needed the wind to run through her hair. She needed to be able to smell the pollen in the air, the feel the sunshine warm her freckled skin.

Which is what made being trapped within this house just that much more difficult. She knew it was for the best to be here, knew it was the only place she and her family would be safe, but she also knew she didn't have to enjoy it. She just had to pretend, for Harry's sake.

James hadn't fared much better in their current situation. While he didn't much mind the close proximity they now shared with one another - he didn't like to be along for any amount of time - he missed the adventures that went along with freedom. While he had definitely matured since he had been at Hogwarts, he had never grown out of his thirst to be explore and be completely without limits. She was positive her never would. Equally, she would never get over her own desire for the natural freedoms that came with the smell of grass and falling leaves.

And that, she would smile to herself for the next few months while trapped without the walls of Godric's Hollow, is exactly why they fit together so well.

Title: Contemplations of a Dying Man
Characters/Pairing: Severus Snape
Summary: Severus Snape's thoughts as he learns he is about to die.
Word Count: 583
Author's Notes:
Registered purchases?: Quill and Parchment

There was nothing left for him to do, nothing at all. There was only this, the pain that accompanied and the startling realization that he was going to die.

He was going to die. Saying it out loud would do nothing to deaden the realization that it was not to be avoided. It gave him no ounce of comfort. And, he supposes, it was not really meant to. There was not to be any comfort in this moment, nothing but the stark realities of his wasted life.

He could not have expected this. Could never have expected that it would end this way. He had been under the impression for the longest time that he would be successful, that at most he would receive punishment by proper authorities in the way it very well should be. He had been so confident that he would make it out of here alive. That he would make it to see the end of the war. He had played all his cards correctly, after all. Not revealed too much at one time, bluffed his way through at all the right moments. No, he had never expected it would ever end like this. But, if he listened to the very depth of his heart, he would come to realize that at least two people knew he would be dying for this war to end. Dumbledore, the great skeleton of a wizard who was now left to decay in a tomb of white, a great and intelligent fool who always seemed to be many steps ahead of everyone else in the world. And then, of course, the wasted man still somehow in front of him. Alive. Voldemort.

He had become dependent on Dumbledore, he realized. While the wizard told him near as much as he told Lily's son, in terms of information that was actually helpful, he had still been available to nudge him in the direction when he was alive. The portrait just was not near enough. No, he wanted the slightly mad headmaster back.

But most of all, he wanted Lily back. He had always wanted her back, since he first lost her during their later years at Hogwarts. He wished now that he had pushed the dark arts aside, pushed it far behind him, in favor of her friendship - and perhaps, someday, romantic affections. Up until her brutal death he had never given up hope of a reconciliation and for her to return his affections. Now, he would give anything to be able to see her and speak to her again. To hear her again. To look into those green eyes and apologize, truly apologize, for all the wrong he ever did her.

Soon, though, he may very well be able to see her again. He had often wondered what accompanied Death. He had asked Dumbledore once, what he had though was waiting behind the veil of death. The man's clear blue eyes had only twinkled, a slight smile appearing on his face as he said "We will all see in time." The smile had faltered, eyes going dead, when the same man had later helplessly begged for his death. Begged for his own murder, by a man who was unable to to refuse his requests.

Now he had to wonder, what happened to the sinners once they die?

243/30 = 8 points
252/30 = 8 points
583/30 = 19 points
TOTAL POINTS = 35 points

Mandy, do you want us to add in bonus points ourselves - and if so, is it points per fic? XD

author: easels, !fic-amnesty-day

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