Challenge #37 - Obscure Words x 2

Aug 29, 2010 11:32

Title: On the Board
Rating/Warnings: PG, mentions of death
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Summary: There's only one move left on the board, and Harry has to make it no matter what he wants.
Word Count: 564
Author's Notes: I picked zugzwang (being forced to make a disadvantageous or undesirable move in chess) from the list as my obscure word, it's so obscure, my spellcheck is yelling at me!
Registered purchases?: Both

"It's quite simple really," Harry looked at his two friends, his closest two friends in the world. "I have to go after him, it has to be me."

"But...but not alone, Harry," Hermione burst out, her face was pink with anger and sadness. In a way, she knew it made sense, it was really the only option they could come up with, the only way this would work. "We could come with you, you don't have don't have to be alone."

"You know if I go I won't be coming back. I can't bring you both down with me, that's madness Hermione, and you know it."

Ron sat passively in the corner, watching but not the two that were arguing, he was starting at the wall.

"Can't you just leave it alone Hermione? There's things that you need to do too. You have important...stuff to do!" Harry spluttered. He had to make her understand, he wasn't just trying to 'be the hero' or whatever, this was necessary, important...unavoidable.

"Anyone would think you were enjoying this, Harry." Hermione muttered, sitting down hard in the chair, the wind resistance causing the parchments on the table to fly in the air and settle back down, one falling to the floor.

At the sound of those words, Harry exploded. Her words, so much like Remus', echoing Luna's attempt at reading him, almost identical to what Ginny had said to him that night. "OH REALLY HERMIONE?!" He bellowed, Hermione jumped back at his sudden volume and venom. "Is that what you think? All of you? You, Remus, Mrs Weasley...Ginny? That I'm what, suicidal? I want to die? Is that really what you think?"

"No, lo-" But he didn't even hear her, he was in full rant mode now. No interruptions.

"Do I think that if I go there tonight, I won't come back? Maybe, but do I want that? Of course not. I'm not looking to die, Hermione, but I have to accept the possibility. It's my destiny, I have to be the one that goes."

"Destiny?" Hermione replied quietly, "You really believe this is your destiny?" She paused, "You can be so dense some times Harry, you can't even understand yourself." Standing out of her chair she walked towards the door. "I'm sorry, you'll have to find someone else to cover my duties. I can't be a part of this." She pulled the handle and walked through. "Talk to me when you've come to your sentences."

"Oh, what a fantastic.m." Harry trailed off, turning to Ron who didn't even seem to have heard the argument at all. "Is that what you think too, Ron? That I have some hero complex?"

Ron stood slowly and turned to his best friend. "Of course not, mate." He put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "We're trapped. Zugzwang. There's no way out."

"Zugzwang?" Harry asked his friend, perplexed.

"You're forced to do this, mate, even if you don't want to, there's no other move possible."

"On the board?"


"Will you speak to Hermione?"

"Not a chance, mate." Ron grinned at him, shrugging and sloping back to his chair. "I'd have to be mental to agree to that."

Title: Pixilated Prefects
Rating/Warnings: PG, drunk people
Characters/Pairing: James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin
Summary: Lily joins the marauders for their christmas party
Word Count:
Author's Notes: Obscure word: pixilated (slang for drunk)
Registered purchases?: Both

"And you know what," James slurred, leaning over the counter and patting Lily on the arm. "You're purdy. Wheee!" James continued, waving his arms and legs in the air, his foot connecting with a warm lump under the table, Sirius snorted in response.

"Jammers, Jamesh." Lily burst into a fit of giggles. It was hour five of the Marauder's Christmas party, Lily had finally agreed to join them and was fitting in well, that girl had already drunk Sirius under the table...literally.

"This is...weird. My head feels peculiar." Lily giggled.

"PECUUUUUULIAR!" Remus popped up next to her, laughing.

"Lily, you say stupid things, like REMUS DOES!" James shouted.

"Stupid? I think you mean PROFOUND!" Lily amended, waving her finger at him. "Just because me and Remus are the only ones with brains in here, there is no need to make a mockery of us." But she wasn't seriously offended, James could tell from the sparkle in her eyes as she grabbed Remus and yanked him off the floor.

"Oh, I'm TERRIBLY sorry, my wonderful PREFECTS. I will be sure to show you the UTMOST respect." James announced, standing and gliding into a curtsy in front of the two of them. "You drunk bitches."

"That's right, James, bow before your pixilated prefects." Lily finished, Remus now sitting in her lap.

"Certainly, madam." James finished with a wink.

564/50 + 10 = 21
233/50 + 10 = 15
Total = 36 points


character: james potter, character: ron weasley, character: harry potter, author: rideinthelimo, *challenge-037, character: lily evans-potter, character: hermione granger, character: remus lupin

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