Title: Albus Severus Meets Severus
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for blood (?)
Characters/Pairing: Albus Severus Potter, Severus Snape (mentioned), Lily Luna Potter (mentioned)
Summary: Albus Severus has lost his Standard Book of Spells
Word Count: 165
Author's Notes: Oh dear. I don't even know what to say. I don't often write crack and I don't know what this thing is. If it's the 8th book, I hope all proceeds go to charity as it's the only way I could justify it.
Registered purchases?: Both quill and parchment registered.
Except all wasn't well,
Albus Severus had lost his copy of The Standard Book of Spells.
Lily Luna had other fish to fry;
So Albus Severus was left to cry.
Woe is me! He shouted.
I left my love letter to Scorpius in it,
And I don't want to be outed.
To retrieve it I'll need to use my wit.
So went Albus Severus,
With such a name it's no wonder
He was made fun of for being stranger
Than Kreacher.
He tried to find it in the Great Hall,
But that was his downfall.
He was stuck in a time-travel loop.
And the eighth book ended up
Being about Albus Severus beaten up
By Severus Snape.
He lost his arm, much pain was felt,
And blood smelt.
Woe is me! He shouted.
I'd rather be turned into an ape!
Albus Severus meets Severus
Is the title of this book.
Take a bow now, it'd be a plus,
Or I'll kill you with my hook!
165/50 = 3 points oh god. + 10 bonus points : 13 points.