Fic Challenge 3, Ficlet Challenge 16, Drabble challenge 22

Aug 21, 2010 10:31

Title: Brotherly Love
Summary: Fabian is slacking, so his brother Gideon has to push him to succeed.
Characters/Pairings: Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, mentions of Molly Prewett
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for some language
Word Count: 882


“Yeah?” The dark haired boy looked over at his younger, far more athletic brother. “Oh Merlin, Fabian. Did you really break your quill again?”

Fabian blushed clear up to his ears. “I’m sorry, Gidi. Can you fix it for me, you know I’m rubbish at Charms.”

“Fabian Prewett. You are thirteen years old, get the fuck over it and try it yourself!” Gideon looked stern, his Prefect badge glinting in the light. “And if you’re not bloody willing to do it here in the Common Room, we can go to the Owlery where you can practice mostly in peace. I’ll still heckle you, but I’m your brother.” Gideon looked around quickly. “Ok, Molly isn’t nearby we can escape while there is time! To the door quickly!”

The boys both ran to the door and headed for the steps. Even if they didn’t get the whole way up to the birds at least they could have a quiet moment. It would, however, be better to get to the Owlery since there at least they would have an excuse for being out so close to ‘lights out’

Finally jostling each other into the room Gideon all but fell into the room. “You’re lucky you’re a quidditch player, little brother, or I’d try and beat you up right now.”

“Listen Mister Prefect, just because you have the calm cool head and I have the muscles doesn’t mean you have to hate on me constantly.” Fabian pouted.

With a grin, Gideon countered with “Well would you rather have me to deal with or your passionate but loving sister?”

Fabian wrinkling his nose was all that was needed to answer that question. “Gidi she used to dress me up like a DOLL when I was little!”

“Fab, she did it to me before I learned how to escape. Now shut up and fix your quill or you’ll get a Troll on that Potions assignment and I’d hate to explain to mum and dad why my little brother was asked not to come back to Hogwarts.” Gideon leaned against one of the walls and waited to see what his brother would do. He watched as Fabian made several attempts to fix the quill. He was using the correct technique as well as wording, he just didn’t have the ‘oomph’ behind them that could possibly make it work. Luckily he knew how to push Fabian’s buttons. He’d watched his little brother a million times during Quidditch games as well as practice. In fact, this could be very easy. Standing up straight, he walked circles around his brother. Leaning in he first asked, “Is that the best you can do?”

Fabian jerked his head up and looked at Gideon. He’d recognized that Gideon was walking around, but had done his best to ignore him. This, however, was going to be a little harder. “W-what?” He was perplexed as to the sudden change of demeanor.

“Oh come ON!” Gideon rolled his eyes. He changed his posture to put his hands on his hips and spread his legs to shoulder’s width. He did his best to make himself look larger than he really was. “You can’t even fix a quill? You’re a piece of shit, you know that? It’s about all you are worth too. You will never get through school to play Quidditch at this rate. You’re not really good enough anyway ya loser. In fact, I bet that you won’t even be able to find a job. You’ll live with your PARENTS until they die. THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO GO LIVE WITH MOLLY AND HER BROOD OF CHILDREN!” He let himself yell to make the point to Fabian as well as trying to intimidate him.

Fabian went through various stages of rage and fear. At the thought of Molly and her planned family (hell, she just started dating her boyfriend a few weeks back) Fabian all but roared. He pulled out his wand and with one swift movement fixed the quill.

“GOOD.” Gideon was still trying to get the younger boy all riled up. “NOW THAT!” He pointed at a candle that had burnt out. There would have been a dozen easier ways to relight it, but to give Fabian that success was more important.

Fabian turned and lit the candle again with the flick of his wrist. Then he wheeled again and pinned Gideon against the wall. “IF YOU EVER PULL A STUNT LIKE THAT AGAIN, I WILL FUCK YOU UP, DO YOU HEAR ME GIDEON? THIS BULLSHIT IS UNACCEPTABLE!”

Gideon simply smiled. “You lit the candle, Fab. You also fixed your quill. Did you feel the energy with your wand? That’s all you ever needed. Well,” he laughed gently. “That and a little inspiration.”

With a glare, Fabian let his older brother down from the wall. “I hate that you’re always right.”

Gideon walked over and threw an arm around Fabian. “I’m just looking out for my little brother. He’s very important to me.” Guiding his brother towards the door, he attempted to start them back to the Common Room. “Even he, as a Prefect, can’t save us from detention if we’re caught out late, however.”

Fabian moved with his dark haired brother. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Now let’s never talk of this lovey-dovey moment again.”

882/50=17.6+5= 23

Title: Tag, you're it.
Summary: Tonks is enduring some rough Auror training, but she HAS to pass!
Characters/Pairings: Tonks
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 489

This was not going to end well. It was impossible. Hours of classroom procedure followed by field training minus sleep. Tonks had been up far too many hours for this. She had been hunting one of her professors in attempts to ‘assassinate’ them. It was standard procedure that only those who survived the first round could even begin to dream of making it as an Auror. It wasn’t particularly easy, though. There were traps all along the way and this had managed to take them into their third day of the hunt. The rumors had always said that the quests normally only lasted two days. Tonks couldn’t decide if progressing on to day three was a sign that she was doing well and hadn’t been killed herself, or if she was utterly screwed because she hadn’t caught her target yet.

Focus! she told herself. Now was not the time to let the mental game get her. If she could find the ingredients perhaps she could make a pepperup potion and go for a bit longer. She needed to be ready and aware. Everyone knew that “Constant Vigilance” was the only way to make this through. She had thought about setting up defenses and sleeping, but she had no idea how far her professor could go and what havoc they would create in the process.

Sitting down on a branch, since this was an all terrain exam of sorts, Tonks thought. Nodding a little bit she was sure she was going to just die of exhaustion. Out of nowhere, an idea struck her. Since Thgil, her proessor, was looking for her just as much as she was looking for him, perhaps drawing some attention to herself was actually a better idea. Tonks grinned, that was it. She had to set up a trap that was going to lure Thgil to her in a place where she could step up and disable her. It was brilliant.

Not so quickly, but very carefully, she climbed the nearest strong tree. Tonks took a long time to survey the land around her. There was no way around it, she had to pick the perfect spot or she would fail the exam. She had worked too long and too hard to not pass. Wait, that was it. Since she was the one who was always being clumsy and… oh good heavens. Why not be someone else? She had the ability to transform, clearly, and hadn’t been using that to her advantage!

Tonks packed her things away and stashed them so they wouldn’t give her away. She transfigured much of her clothing then changed her own appearance. Brillaint. Thgil would come running when the Training Headmaster came around to tell them it was time to knock off. Once she had Thgil there, all she would have to do was guide him to the safe area or take his wand and detain him and she was in!

489/50= 9.78+5= 15

Title: Her
Summary: Remus has a crushhhhhhh!
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin
Genre: Romance (?)
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 92

It wasn’t every day Remus met someone like her. Smart, beautiful, charming, and knew exactly what he wanted. She had known Remus for years, but only recently had he finally submitted to her charms. She could do anything and everything he asked or desired normally before he even mentioned it. Remus smiled, she was going to be his everything. All he had to do was work up the nerve to ask her and that wasn’t going to be an easy task. “Um, babe?” When he spoke to her, even her eyes smiled.


23+15+7= 45 Points for Gryffindor

character: fabian prewett, character: gideon prewett, creator: klef, character: remus lupin, rating: g, character: nymphadora tonks, rating: pg-13

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