3 fics; no challenge

Aug 21, 2010 16:15

Title: Lest We Remember
Summary: its not lest we forget, but lest we remember. thats what this is all about. Teddy wants to remember his parents properly. without the two minute silence.
Characters/Pairings: Teddy, Victorie
Genre: sadness
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 364
Teddy hated May the second. A day of “Remembrance” for those who were killed in the battle of Hogwarts. Bullshit.
The whole school would gather round the tall, marble monument by the lake for memorial speeches, followed by a two minute silence. It meant nothing to him. He always found himself wanting to scream, to yell at everybody.
But no one understood what he was trying to say. Not even Victorie. Especially not Victorie. She thought it was lovely that he had a day to remember his parents. But he knew he was one of the few that really did remember.
“I don’t understand” she had said to him.
“Its not lest we forget, but lest we remember. That’s what this is all about… the memorials, the cenotaph, the two minutes silence. Because there is no better way of forgetting something than by commemorating it.”
She just shook her head and walked away.
“So much for our glorious dead.” He had muttered.
So he had given up. He didn’t go to the memorial service any more. He went to the small graveyard on the other side of the school grounds, reserved for those who died defending Hogwarts. He would sit in front of his parent’s graves, rubbing his fingers over an old, worn photograph. One of the few he had of his parents with him. His father hugging his mother, who had a baby with bright blue hair wrapped in her arms. He would remember them his way. He would remember the stories harry had told him. He would remember playing Marauders with Harry’s children. He would remember asking where his Mummy and Daddy were every night when he was young. He would remember crying. He would remember how proud he was to be their son, to be a Lupin. He would remember them properly. He would remember them with love.
He wouldn’t forget like everyone else.
Never such innocence
Never before or since
as changed itself to past
without a word.
Phillip Larkin-MCMXIV

Title: We Ride
Summary: Teddy hated horse riding. but he'd do anything if he got to spend time with James.
Characters/Pairings: Teddy, James II, Teddy/James
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 259
Teddy hated Horse riding.
James, on the other hand, loved it. So, Teddy had been roped into taking him out on his day off. Not that Teddy minded going anywhere with James. He didn’t mind doing anything with him, so long as he could see his deep brown eyes filled with mirth.
He loved it when James laughed.
He loved it when James did anything. Except when he’d seen him snogging that girl last year. That had made his stomach squirm, and his heart pang with jealousy that he knew he shouldn’t be feeling.
“You don’t enjoy this, do you?” James’ voice cut through his thoughts.
Teddy shrugged. “If you do, I don’t mind.”
“But you’d rather do something else?” James jumped off his horse, and handed the reins to the stable boy. Teddy dismounted, handing over his horse, and leaned on the wall where they’d hung their jackets. He shrugged again. “Better things to ride, I s’pose.” He mumbled.
James raised an eyebrow, walking over to get his jacket, right by Teddy’s shoulder. “Like what? Me?”
Teddy looked at the younger boy, baffled.
“Come off it, Teddy. I’ve seen how you look at me.”
Teddy looked away.
“Do you like me?”
“I… well… yeah.”
“That’s good.”
Teddy looked up, scarcely believing he had heard right. He must have imagined it. But James was standing right there, grinning from ear to ear.
So, without waiting for confirmation, Teddy crushed his lips against James’.
He kissed him back

Summary: Teddy and Lily see a double rainbow!
Characters/Pairings: Teddy/Lily luna Potter
Genre: Crack
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 112
It had been raining the night before; the dew was still shining in the early morning light. Teddy and Lily walked, hand in hand, through the park by the Potter estate. The sun was just rising, casting everything in a light purple glow.
“Look.” Lily said quietly, breaking the comfortable silence between them. “A rainbow.”
Teddy grinned. “It’s not just any rainbow, Lils. See there? Double rainbow.”
She smiled softly, squeezing his hand. “It’s so beautiful.”
“DOUBLE RAINBOW ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SKY, YEAH YEAH!” Breaking out into song, he let go of her hand, dancing down the path.
Laughing, Lily followed, running a hand through her fiery hair. “SO INTENSE!”

7+5+2=14 points for Gryffindor

character: teddy lupin, character: james sirius potter, character: victoire weasley, creator: native_spirit, character: lily luna potter

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