Drabble Challenges #11, #12, #13

Aug 12, 2010 16:31

Title: Fantastic Knockers
Summary: Sirius won't shut up about how fooooine Lily Evans is
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black, James Potter
Genre: Humour (kind of)
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

"Prongs! Wait up!" Sirius called after his best friend, running down the path from his house.

"What?" James said, more tired than malicious, as he turned around.

Sirius paused. "I'm sorry, alright mate? Can we just forget it?"

"Fine, but one more word about it, and I swear to Merlin it'll be you hanging upside down with yer knickers on display next time."

"Alright mate, I promise." Sirius grinned and punched his friend on the arm. "But in my defense, she does have fantastic knockers."

James gave him a look akin to someone about to throttle someone else.

Title: The Little Things
Summary: Ron can't find a book Hermione lent him.
Characters/Pairings: Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Peevse
Genre: None
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

"Hermione is going to KILL me. You know how she feels about lending people books." Ron yelled as he tore apart his trunk.

"You must have put it down somewhere, just think, did you have it in the library?"

"The library? Really?" Ron asked Harry, an incredulous look on his face.

"Okay, maybe not. How about the dining hall?"

"More likely." Ron agreed as they tore out the room and towards the hall, not even noting Peeves hovering outside the common room, cackling away to himself.

"Ah, it's the little things that get me through." He grinned to himself.

Title: Boyfriends
Summary: The twins can't stop making fun of their sister
Characters/Pairings: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley
Genre: Gen
Beta: None
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Drabble
Word Count: 100

"Alright, Ginny?" Fred called, leaping into the chair next to her.

"Yeah, alright?" George concurred, leaping to the other side.

The shock had caused Ginny to knock her bowl of cereal over, and she looked up at her brothers, a dirty scowl on her face.

"What the hell do you want?" She yelled, standing up to clear up the mess.

"Ooo, touchy touchy." Fred said. "What's wrong, Ginevra? Your boyfriends' stopped calling?" George finished.

Flustered, she knocked the bowl over a second time. "Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend, what are you talking about?"

"Right," The twins nodded.

3 Challenge Drabbles 7+7+7 = 21 points


*challenge, form: drabble, character: ginny weasley, character: sirius black, character: george weasley, character: fred weasley, character: ron weasley, creator: rideinthelimo, character: harry potter, character: james potter

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