Art Challenge 79
Title: Maybe I'm crazy
Summary: The first morning Adeline -a muggle- awakes in her witch girlfriend's place she finds out that object can be quite insulting.
Characters/Pairings: mugglewoman/witch
Genre: Romantic ♥
Rating/Warnings: G/None
Medium: Pencil
Art Challenge 18
Title: LUUUV!
Summary: Voldy meets (TWILIGHTISH SPOILER)-> Renesmee Cullen.
Characters/Pairings: Voldemort,
Genre: Parody
Rating/Warnings: I'm not really nice witch the Cullen character...Inspired by this
ficrant Medium:Pencil
2sketch+2.challenges= 10+10=20. Points for Ravenclaw.
Um, I know they are not very good but they seemed perfect when I made them xD