Title: A Permanently Surprised Look
Characters/Pairings: Luna
Beta: -
Rating/Warnings: G. None.
Medium: Purely digital.
Title: Lily, please...
Summary: Y'know when you've got a drawing that you've sketched the lines so much that eventually, when you try to draw the final lines, they come out wonky and since you've spent hours on it, you really don't care how it looks anymore? Yeah...no? Just me, then.
Characters/Pairings: Lily / a hand...?
Genre: -
Beta: -
Rating/Warnings: G. None.
Medium: Also purely digital.
Jay / Gryffindor
Finished (good digital) // 25 points x 2 = 50 pts
Idk whether to class the Luna one as ~good :| Call me an optimist?