Title: A Not Right World
Summary: Harry Potter was slowly realizing that things were Not Right. It was hard to say exactly when he'd fallen down the rabbit hole - maybe it was those Firewhiskys on an empty stomach a while ago - but he knew exactly why. Malfoy. Why else?
- Features chocolate and wrestling!
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Genre: Humour, Smut, Fluff-ish
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, slash, basically PWP
Medium: Fic (1000+)
Word Count: 3500
A/N: Written for
dysonrules and
bryoneybrynn's Speed Pr0nz Challenge that they hosted a little while ago.
WARNING: PG-13 picture prompt of a deliciously muddy man without a shirt! Amy//Gryffindor