Last Goodnight Kiss

Jul 26, 2009 14:04

Title: Last Goodnight Kiss
Summary: Dolohov and Rookwood have a traitor to take care of.
Characters/Pairings: Antonin Dolohov, Augustus Rookwood
Genre: Violent!fic
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 541

The wind was blowing hard tonight. Antonin raised his head as he listened to it; he could already hear the screams of his victims in the fierce howls of the strong gale. A malicious smile slowly spread across his lips, making his dark eyes glisten. It was a quiet and dangerous night. The moon was hiding behind a layer of clouds.

Antonin leaned against the wall, thoughtfully twirling his wand between his fingers as he watched people who passed him by on the street. Their silhouettes were illuminated for a split-second by the street lamps before they sunk back into the shadows and disappeared in the distance. Antonin's hollow eyes followed them with cold curiousity while he waited for his partner.

Who was going to be his victim tonight?

Not truly coming out of the shadows, a form appeared behind him, dressed impeccably. The expensive business clothes hardly looked the part, but Rookwood always dressed his way. The man did his job and had no qualms about working with him, as some did. The shadows flitted back and forth in front of them. The shorter man spoke first. "I believe our host is waiting for us," his lips curled upward into a smirk. Neither glanced at each other though.

Not needing to say anything else, the two men took off at an equal pace, walking as anyone might walk, though their route happened to keep them away from most of the street lamps. They swirled in the darkness, nothing more than a frightened child's nightmare. And two children were waiting for them, tucked into bed and needing a goodnight kiss. Antonin's hand moved to the hilt of his knife. Cherry red kiss.

His partner was the type who planned. Stopping across the street, Rookwood cast spells. They did no damage, and the house only shimmered for a moment. But ties were severed to the outside. The only exit, once they entered, required passing the two of them. They waited for a moment, but no one in the neighborhood stirred.

They slipped into the house quietly, unseen by others. The branches of a nearby tree swayed in the wind, casting ominous shadows across the still garden. They moved swiftly and purposefully through the rooms without making any noise. They had done this many times before and they knew what to do, and how to do it.

Dolohov could feel his heart beating strongly, the oncoming rush of adrenalin that he always felt before a kill. These are the moments he lived for.

They were fanning out from the front door, which they warded behind them. Rookwood went toward the bedroom where the traitor slept, Dolohov the other way. He stopped instantly when he heard little feet pattering against the hardwood floor. "Mummy, I couldn't - " the little child saw him, a strange man in a mask and screamed. The rest of the house came alive, but the parents were detained. Rookwood had them. The only other person in the house was the boy, a year older but no threat to him.

Antonin smiled behind his mask. The girl turned to run, but his left hand reached out and grabbed her. His grip held strong, despite the thrashing, and the death eater gave her a sweet lullaby that quieted her.

-Silyara and Eve, Slytherin

creator: trivalent, form: ficlet, character: antonin dolohov, rating: pg-13

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