Marauder Justice: Confrontation at the Full Moon

Jul 26, 2009 02:37

Title: Marauder Justice: Confrontation at the Full Moon
Summary: James is upset with Sirius after saving Snape's life.
Characters/Pairings: James Potter, Sirius Black
Genre: Gen!fic
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 579

It was very rare that James was so angry, and rarer still that his anger was directed at one of his friends. He slammed the portrait hole open, ignoring the Fat Lady's protest, and stopped halfway to the couches, hands on his hips.

"I need to talk to you," he said to Sirius, in a tone that brooked no arguments.

Sirius looked up at the noise and sighed. "I'll be back in in a jiffy," he told the girl he was sitting with. The boy stood, casual and cocky as usual, "What's going on, James?" He seemed unaware of doing anything wrong.

"You know what's going on," James said darkly. "I've just come from visiting Moony in the hospital wing. He looks like he got mauled by a hippogriff, but you know what he's really upset about? That one of his best friends tried to use him as a murder weapon."

"Nothing would have happened to - " Sirius stopped and made a face resembling a petulant child. "He would have been fine. It's not like it would have been his fault. an idiot." The rather un-forward thinking boy shook his head. "It's late. He's still out of it. There's no way he knows..." An eyebrow raised up, as if daring James to say otherwise.

James stared at him, half-tempted to punch him in the face. "He knows," he growled. "Because he asked, and I told him." He shook his head. "You imbecile. At the very least, he would have been expelled. You probably would have been, too. As it is, you're lucky Snivellus is alive to keep his mouth shut."

The other boy's face became distant, not truly distant but in the way it did when Sirius hid what he truly thought. The face looked cocky and unaware of the consequences, despite having heard them, but that only meant he had. James read him easily. "I guess Snivellus will be more careful about using information he 'overhears' while spying on us then," Sirius smirked.

After a moment of disbelieving silence, James shook his head. "You know I don't care what he thinks," he said, some of the fight leaving his stance. "I don't even care whether that greasy git lives or dies. But you--" he raised a hand, pointing an accusing finger at Sirius, "had better watch how you treat your friends. Or there won't be any 'us' to spy on."

That clearly made Sirius angry. The boy leaned in, his anger making him appear bigger than usual. "I am loyal to my friends," he hissed, "And I would never intentionally hurt any of you. I would die for you, so watch your accusations." His eyes glowered angrily, the angriest James had seen directed at any of them.

"I know that," James said, exasperated. He held his ground. "You don't think I know that? And we would die for you, or go to Azkaban for you. We'd kill for you, too. Just don't make it about some stupid prank, alright? It's not worth it. Snivellus isn't worth it."

The anger faded, a quick flash. Sirius glanced away then looked James in the eye. "We have a problem," Sirius twirled his wand unconsciously in his hand, "How are we going to make it up to Moony?"

James gave a wry smile, accepting that as an apology. "I think," he said, his normal mischievous glint returning to his eyes, "I might have a solution."

-Silyara and Annalisa, Slytherin

creator: trivalent, character: sirius black, rating: pg, character: james potter

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