Tag Team Fic (with skitsosquirrel as coauthor)

Jul 25, 2009 20:31

Title: The Fall of '69
Summary: On the Hogwarts Express, Rodolphus Lestrange reports to Head Girl Bellatrix Black.
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Rodolphus (largely UST)
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 1,039

It took every last bit of his Slytherin cunning and subtlety for Rodolphus to hide his excitement as he boarded the Hogwarts Express. Not only was he going to be prefect this year (most of his effort the previous year was focused on making sure he got the spot over Lucius), but even better news awaited. Just as he had been suspecting, he heard through the grapevine that a Slytherin girl on whom he had harboured a major crush since second year was going to be Head Girl!

Rodolphus wasn't even sure that Bellatrix Black even remembered him. He was two years behind her after all. But, how could she not? He was the top of his class in all his subjects last year, and proved he had more than exceptional skills when it came to dueling. Then there was Quidditch. He tried out for beater last year since Bella was the other beater. Rodolphus managed to make the bludger hit one of the Gryffindors in the head and knock him off his broom. Bellatrix let out a most delicious laugh as the Gryffindor plummeted down to the ground. He wasn't sure if she saw him hit the bludger or she just thought the Gryffindor was stupid enough to fly into it. No matter, he would make sure she noticed him this year. Rodolphus managed to find his friends on board the Hogwarts Express and waited anxiously until the prefects were to meet together on their way to Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, Bellatrix Black (Head Girl and Slytherin Quidditch Captain) was just as excited as she boarded the train (fashionably late, as always). It was the tradition that the Head Boy and Girl for one year were notified on the last day of classes of the preceding year. Further, if the Head Boy or Girl came from a particular House, they would meet with the Headmaster just before leaving to help determine the prefects from that House. As the Head Boy (some bloke named Diggory) was a Hufflepuff and Headmaster Dumbledore was a former Gryffindor, they completely deferred to her judgment in picking the new Slytherin Prefects. Ginevra Goyle, the brains of her family, was the natural choice for the female prefect. Dumbledore suggested that Lucius Malfoy might make a good male prefect, but Bellatrix would have none of it. No, the only choice for her would be her ruggedly handsome co-Beater Rodolphus. She had secretly thought he was cute for a long time (the only other person whom she trusted her secret was her Aunt Walburga, and that only because she knew Walburga herself was four years older than her husband) but she didn’t think that much about it until last April.

Slytherin was playing Gryffindor in the Quidditch finals. The Gryffindor Seeker, some filthy Mudblood named Mason, was an arm’s length away from the Snitch, when suddenly Rodolphus swung his bat at a Bludger as hard as he could. It hit Mudblood Mason’s head so hard that he fell to the ground, breaking five of his teeth, allowing for the Slytherin Seeker, Emmeline Vance, to move towards Mason’s position, picking up the Snitch and giving Slytherin the win.

Dumbledore considered Bellatrix’s suggestion and dismissed her. Hopefully that old git would make Rodolphus prefect.

Bellatrix managed to find her friends and they started to talk about their summers. She only half listened to their stories (mostly of holidays to some luxurious resorts), as she waited to be called to meet with the rest of the Head Boys and Girls and prefects. Finally it was time to make it to the car were everyone was supposed to meet. She was pleased to see that Dumbledore listened to her and made Rodolphus prefect. She casually sat next to him and tried not to seem too interested in his company.

Rodolphus had been sitting in the Prefects’ compartment with his chocolate (from the Lestrange Chocolate Factory in Belgium, known maker of the finest chocolates for both Muggle and magical buyers) when suddenly he saw the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He knew Bellatrix looked good, but she had really outdone herself for today! Silver robes with the Black family crest in green along with the finest leather boots completely showcased everything that made her look good. Rodolphus was pleasantly surprised to see Bellatrix sit right next to him, flash a knowing wink and a dazzling smile in his direction, and quickly turn back to facing forward as she made last-minute alterations to her speech.

When everyone finally made it to their compartment, Bellatrix stood up, cleared her throat, and began a speech she prepared on the duties for the new prefects. She talked about how prefects are meant to keep order where ever students were. In extreme circumstances they could deduct points from other houses. Rodolphus listened intently at every word Bellatrix was saying. He wanted to make sure he did everything right and not get her disappointed. At the end of her speech, Rodolphus swore he saw Bellatrix stare right at him and grin when they were told that the prefects were to report to their Head Boy or Girl from time to time. Everyone then got up to leave with a bit of a groan as they were told they needed to patrol the train corridors now. Rodolphus decided to take a little longer to gather his things to see if he could talk to Bellatrix at least for a few minutes.

Instead, Bellatrix sensuously ran one finger along Rodolphus’s right arm (in a way that no one noticed) before quickly leaving. Bellatrix could have sworn that she saw Rodolphus blow her a kiss as she was leaving; in any event, she was in a delightful mood for the rest of the ride, telling off the Hufflepuffs in her assigned compartment with glee. Bellatrix had assigned Rodolphus to the easiest compartment to manage (a bunch of well-behaved, third-year Slytherin girls, including her sister Narcissa), so all Rodolphus needed to do was say a story or two about Hogsmeade, why Butterbeer tasted better than Firewhisky, and how great it was to be in Slytherin. Both Bellatrix Black and Rodolphus Lestrange knew that it was going to be an interesting year ahead…

William//Slytherin (credit also goes to Nikki of Slytherin)

rating: pg, creator: mmailliw, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: rodolphus lestrange

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