Fic Challenge #61: Prewett Panto 1978 Or The Christmas Molly Put An End To Masterprewett Theatre

Dec 29, 2008 09:22

Title: Prewett Panto: 1978 Or The Christmas Molly Put An End to Masterprewett Theatre
Summary: A Gideon and Fabian Prewett Pantomime of the entire Tales of Beedle the Bard; Response to Fic Challenge #61
Characters: Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Wee Weasleys (Up to Percy as Gred and Forge are wee babes and... as fleshy blobs, unimportant)
Genre: Crack, Christmas
Ratings/Warnings: PG for some sort of violence
Word Count: 791

It was tradition, in the Prewett House, that after each Christmas dinner when all were full of Christmas goose and figgy pudding, that the brothers Prewett would put on a pantomime to rival West End, that is if they knew of West End Panto.

Each year's 'show' was different, usually based on a random Goblin rebellion that lead to easy innuendo making like the favourite line of the 1970 line"What's been gobblin' at his goblin?"

The year Molly was married, in homage to their sister, they did an entire show based around Celestina Warbeck ballads (which they vowed to never do again and Fabian owed his now trademark hoarse voice to the fact that he, as a pre-pubescent boy had to shriek in tones unnatural for anyone of the male species.)

Christmas of 1978, however, saw an end to the Prewett Panto Production and all other forms of alliterative titles.

"What's the show this year?" A bright eyed and eager Bill Weasley asked, wearing his uncle Gideon's leather jacket to 'keep it safe during the show' as his uncle told him.

"We're doing all the tales by Beedle the Bard." Gideon answered as he screwed up his face looking into the mirror, pointing his wand to lengthen his chin and gray his ginger colored hair. "Starting with the Wizard and the Hopping Pot."

"Oh, I like that one!" Charlie shrieked excitedly and sat on the edge of the sofa with Bill, who held Percy, all three boys paying rapt attention while Molly and Arthur sat on either side, holding one of the twins.

"Are we keeping this child appropriate?" Molly asked with a raised brow.

Gideon sighed "Buzz-"

"-Kill." Fabian finished.

The Wizard and the Hopping Pot was easily performed with Gideon playing the sole part of the Wizard and Fabian alternating between all of the people he encountered. The Hopping Pot, however, nearly took down the Christmas tree before entering attack mode at which point Gideon had the sense to mumble a charm.

The Fountain of Fair Fortune was an entirely puppet run production with a very elaborate set that caused Molly to wonder what exactly it was her brothers did when allegedly "training" to "become the Best Aurors in Britain" as they claimed.

It was not obvious that they were acting these stories out from memory and clearly without prior rehearsal until they arrived at the halfway point, or what they thought was the halfway point.

The Warlock's Hairy Heart had always been a morbid favourite for the Prewett twins, but obviously neither had informed the other about their characters.

"Fabian, you obviously are playing the woman." Gideon said as he buttoned up his costume in the kitchen.

"I am not. I did all the female voices in Fountain of Fair Fortune-"

"Only because you knew their parts so well, I mean, I had to move the scenery and be Sir Luckless, thank you, it required much more mental endurance." Gideon countered.

"Er, are we going to see a new one soon?" Bill asked, popping into the kitchen to steal a Christmas cookie.

"Yes, Bill, once Fabian gets into the girl costume." Gideon answered quickly. "Because-"

At that moment, however, Fabian lunged at him, wand pointed and a wig conjured to land perfectly on Gideon's head. Gideon screamed and ripped the wig off shoving it in his brother's face and soon the two grown men were scuffling in the tiny confines of the Burrow's kitchen.

Gideon's head was repeatedly dunked into the cauldron of warm Christmas pudding and while the first few times he savored the flavour in between holding his breath, the fourth time he got a particularly sweet patch and took the cauldron and chucked it at his brother.

This, for Bill and Charlie at least, was much more interesting than the Warlock's Hairy Heart. For Molly Weasley, who spent all morning cleaning and cooking, there was no explaining the look on her face, just that it was mean, cruel, frightening enough to warrant two grown men to stop their wrestling AND clean up their mess.

"We are not doing this again next year, is that clear?" Molly said in that 'Not Angry But Ultimately More Terrifying Because It's Calm' tone of voice.

"We've been doing this since we were ten, Molly-"

"And we were going to do another Celestina Warbeck Panto next year because she just released that new Greatest Hits 2 record" Gideon added, though Fabian just gave him a look that indicated he was clearly reaching.

"No one in their right mind- after what you did to my kitch- Warlock's Hairy Heart? That's-"

Molly railed on and on about the horrible choice, a speech that Bill committed to memory.

A speech that came in particularly handy years later when Ron suggested they put on a pantomime for the Weasley grandchildren at Christmastime.


*challenge, character: molly weasley, creator: alohachary1851, character: charlie weasley, form: fic, character: gideon prewett, character: fabian prewett, character: bill weasley

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