Prompts 1 and 2 respectively from cunningfolk

Dec 29, 2008 04:29

Title: Shiny
Summary: In which James performs a labor of love. Mostly.
Characters/Pairings: James and Lily Potter
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 175 (ficlet)

"You've got to be joking," came James' flat voice, not bothering to sit up as he lounged across their living room couch.

"Pleeeeease," Lily pleaded, hiding her smile behind the white box.

"No," he replied, drawing up the newspaper as a shield against those ridiculously green entreating eyes. "Use magic."

"Oh come on, those spells never work as well as-"

"Never. Going. To happen."

She went quiet. Never a good sign. Cautiously, he peered over the edge of The Prophet to discover she'd open that box. Oooh. They were red. And shiny. And she'd seen the way his grin had quirked up. Shit.

"I promise, if you stretch them out I'll wear them all weekend," she vowed, letting that enticing sort of tease slip into her voice. "Aaaall weekend."

That wasn't fair, half his brain insisted, even as he shoved the newspaper to side.

"Merlin's balls I swear to god if you don't wear these things once a week I'm going to hex them permanently onto your delicate little feet," James grumbled, forcing his feet into her ridiculous candy-apple red six inch pumps.

Title: So Bad
Summary: Sirius Black always had a knack for annoying Bellatrix.
Characters/Pairings: Blacks
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 257 (ficlet)

Bellatrix wanted to hold Regulus. He was much better behaved. But no, no, Regulus' mother wasn't letting him go of the sweet, quiet baby whose familiar gray eyes never seemed to cry. She'd never clung to Sirius like that.

Sirius had squirmed all the time. He still did. Short limbs squirmed and twisted in her arms as if trying to get away, but she wasn't about to bested by a toddler- not when her father was standing on the other side of parlor. Last time she'd learned that even when when his annoying little hand, that always seemed dirty, grabbed at her perfectly curled hair she couldn't curb his behaviour with quick slap like she could Cissy's when adults weren't looking. No, Sirius was difficult. Restless. Relentless. Annoying.

She hates the way he clutches at her hair, almost as much as she hates his giddy laughter that follows.

It took all of twenty minutes to figure out that if she shifted Sirius in her arms so that he faced the same direction she did, he'd pull Andromeda's hair instead. Her younger sister was far more tolerant of his yanking fists, or at least managed to avoid slapping at his little hands. She just bore his interest without moving from her spot on the floor in front of Bellatrix, even as her smile strained as Sirius gave another sharp tug. Why didn't she just move? Sirius' little squeal of delight wasn't all that endearing.

But maybe Sirius wasn't so bad after all. He just needed to be pointed in the right direction.


creator: painfullybored, character: lily (evans) potter, character: sirius black, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: slytherins, rating: pg, form: ficlet, rating: pg-13, character: james potter, character: andromeda tonks

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