Title: Pomona's Loyalty
Summary: Pomona Sprout and Minerva McGonagall have a disagreement.
Characters/Pairings: Pomona and Minerva
Genre: Drama
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 212
Pomona stares at Minerva as if she’d never seen the other Witch before.
“Where’s your Gryffindor bravery now, Minerva?” she asks quietly, sadly.
“You’re blinded by your Hufflepuff loyalty, Pomona,” Minerva snaps back, eyes blazing.
Pomona knows she’s hit a nerve but for once in her life she doesn’t care. She doesn’t feel like apologizing or hugging or soothing the concerns of her friend. To be honest she’d rather give the Gyrffindor Head of House a good shake.
“Well I certainly never expected to hear that from the deputy headmistress-”
“And as that person it is my duty to keep these children safe!”
“Albus always believed that if a single pupil wants to come, then the school ought to remain open for that pupil. What would he say of such a cowardly act?”
In a way Pomona realizes she’s is bullying the other Witch. But as a Hufflepuff she knows how to mediate and encourage. And at this point she’s using every tactic she can. This isn’t about what is right or wrong, it’s about the safety of the students.
Minerva stiffens. Her mouth works open and shut. And then she begins to cry, her courage and soul stripped bare. Pomona reaches for her and hugs her tight. Friends united cannot fall.
Title: Hufflepuff, in Acrostic!
Summary: It's poetry.
Characters/Pairings: Helga/Salazar
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 48
Harmony, stresses Helga.
Unless she’s addressing Salazar
For who’s to kid? He might be sly like a
Fox but he would rather
Loathe than love.
Everyone else might give up and
Probably they have, but
Unless Helga stops loving
From this moment to
Forever, Salazar gets a break.