Foreign Exchange - The Slug Club

Aug 21, 2007 22:16

Summary: The fourth installment of my fic. Uhhh... Potions class.
Characters: Marauder's era. centered around a made up russian girl.
Pairings:  None that I have planned
Genre: .. uuuhh fiction
Warnings: No warnings really.. I have this habit of ignoring information I don't like.. and I didn't like the outcome of DH.. marauder's era related.. so I kinda ignored that.. so no spoilers.

Also.. of course, creative liberties have been taken with ages.
Ive cleared up ages at the bottom of the cut, because my mind's eye saw things differently then ms Rowling..

Classes began the next day. The morning couldn't have gone by slower. History of Magic and Charms. In Anna's opinion, mostly likely an opinion brought about by her father, two branches of magic that were, in essence, utterly useless.

It was the afternoon that Anna was looking forward to. Double Potions with one Professor Slughorn, head of Slytherin. After an uneventful lunch, Anna made her way to the dungeons. First to the dormitory, to grab Magical Drafts and Potions and One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, and then to the Potions classroom, which was easy to find, due to the odd smells emanating from the doorway.

And of course, the group of nervous looking first year Slytherin and Gryffindor students standing outside the door.

Anna went to stand beside her classmates, keeping far distance from the other house students.

"Rodolphus said Slughorn likes really smart people, and the like.." Severus mentioned off-handedly to anyone that was listening, though it seemed that Anna was the only one. Wilkes and Rosier were in a rather deep conversation. And Rabastan, brother of one of Lucius' friends was just looking around at the Gryffindors, a scowl on his face.

And Anna could see why. There were a group of girls talking off to the side about lineage. All seemed to be either half-blood or pure-blood, except for one. A beauty, that was for sure. Red hair, green eyes. Beauty spoiled when Anna overheard her say that her parents were Lawyers of some sort.

Mudblood. Though, one that was attracting the attention of four rowdy male Gryffindors. It seemed that the one with glasses, and messy black hair was about to go up to the girl. However, his actions were halted by the round bellied teacher summoning them into the classroom with a cheery smile.

"Welcome to potions, students! I am professor Slughorn." He began, standing at the front of the classroom. "Now, potion making is rather exact, so make sure that you follow the order precisely." Slughorn laughed merrily. "A few years ago, Arthur Weasley added his powdered dragon claw before stirring.. and well.. I have to say my eyebrows don't look exactly the same. Too much time looking at Ms. Prewitt if you ask me." He smiled widely, expecting the class to laugh.

Though instead of laughter, there were only a few whispers back and forth at one of the tables.

"Right then. Open your books to page 4, and you may begin making the boil cure potion.. we'll see how well you do at the end." He turned around and sat down at his desk, waving his wand lazily at the store cupboards, which flung open.

The students got to work quickly. Pettigrew with Lupin. Potter and Black. Wilkes and Rosier. Snape and Pelovsky. Which was lucky, as she was sure that none of the other students would be so patient with her English as Severus.

"I'll start the fire.. if you get the ingredients." Severus said sheepishly, kneeling near their cauldron and flicking his wand out to prod the wood. Anna went off to the store cupboard and grabbed the ingredients, she had to pass a number of students.

"What's it like to be thrown into all this? Were your parents surprised?!"
"James, go on, throw something at her.. maybe she'll notice you.."
"Don't add those yet!"

Slughorn was making rounds by the time Anna and Severus were ready to begin. And begin they did. "You know.. my father said that if you slice the porcupine quills length wise.. you don't have to stir it as long." Anna raised an eyebrow as she made the suggestion.

"We'll try it." Slughorn was across the classroom, so adding the slice quills was no problem. And indeed it worked. The potion turned the proper colour almost immediately, the last round of stirring not withstanding.

"Professor.. I think we've done it." Severus called Slughorn over, who was checking his pocket watch as he apprached. "Impossible. The potion has to take forty minutes.. did you stir the last ten minutes?" Everyone was stirring now. Though when he approached, he was almost speechless. "Excellent, excellent! Twenty points to Slytherin each!" He exclaimed. "And.. I beg you two to have dinner tonight.. there will be others there.. It's a grand affair." The rest of the class wasn't so lucky. With the exception of the apparent mudblood.


Ages cleared up for the purpose of the story. And I guess they're houses as well.

First year:
Black, Sirius
Potter, James
Evans, Lily
Pettigrew, Peter
Lupin, Remus
Snape, Severus
Pelovsky, Anna

Second year:
Black, Andromeda

Third year:
Lestrange, Rabastan
Black, Narcissa

Fourth year:
Black, Bellatrix
Malfoy, Lucius
Lestrange, Rodolphus

Right.. so like.. those are all the people I suppose I've introduced.. my idea for Lucius.. was that he kinda gathered people from various years much like professor Slughorn, or Tom Riddle would have. That he got a group of people that were pureblood, well acquainted, shared his ideals or showed some sort of skill in the sort of stuff he thought he needed for protection.. if that makes sense. And that's why they all hang out together.

I suppose the Lestranges are like.. Lucius' Crabbe & Goyle. hah
... I think I'll make them exist later. ... maybe. Cause they have fathers too.

Anywho. I hope that clears some stuff up.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

rating: pg, creator: eating_death, character: horace slughorn, character: original, form: fic

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