(no subject)

Aug 19, 2007 10:17

Summary: The third chapter of my piece. Yeah.
Character List: The point of view of a russian exchange student that was chosen by her parents to attend hogwarts. This is her first year. She's the same age as the Marauders.
Pairings: No pairings planned. I have not gone on canon information past the fifth or sixth book. So don't worry about spoilers. OHNOES.
Genre: Uhhh my genre is just.. general I suppose.
Warnings: Uhhh I've taken liberties with age. Many liberties with ages.

"SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat shouted and the table to the far left began cheering, just as they had for the other Slytherins sorted. There were probably only ten students left.

Rosier, Evan was sorted into Slytherin along with his friend Wilkes, and that Severus boy. And there were others. Anna wasn't really paying attention anymore. It hardly mattered, as she saw it.

Though it was amusing to see how long it took to decide on a sort. One Diggory, Amos took forever under the large hat, and it was hilarious as his face was completely covered. Eventually, the boy was sorted into Hufflepuff.

And then there were those such as Corner, Robert who took no time whatsoever being sorted into Ravenclaw.

Professor Dumbledore stood at the end of sorting, welcomed them all firmly back to the school for another year. It was odd, but everyone seemed to hang on to his every word. Though, it was probably easier when you understood every single word.

Anna covered a yawn just as he clapped his hands. Food appeared on the long tables. More food than.. well no, that would be a lie. More different food was more like it. There were none of her favourites.

None of her mother's homemade Reindeer Meat Roast, or Sauerkraut. Instead before her were chicken, and ribs, and all sorts of foods Anna couldn't name.

She picked apart a few pieces of chicken and some salad, only stopping her delicate eating to see Lucius Malfoy and his females pushing some second years out of the way so they could sit across from her, Severus, Rosier and Wilkes.

"So.. you.. boy, what's your name?" Lucius grabbed a piece of chicken, an unnerving smile about his features. Bella and the one addressed as 'Cissy' simply leaned in, smiling at the first years. Perhaps they made a point of gathering their little groups, to continue the legacy of pompous idiots through generations.

"Uhh.. Snape.. Severus Snape.." Severus said weakly, between bites.

"Right. I see.. I saw you were reading a book on the way here.. on the train." Lucius' smile only got larger. Anna couldn't see why, though, she hadn't seen the book. "Advanced Curses and their origins.. now what might we be doing with that?"

Anna stared at Severus at this point. "You were reading that? I was reading that as well." He pulled out the small book from her pocket. Now Bella and Cissy were smiling widely as well.

Severus nodded. "I saw you had the same book when you forgot it on the train.. I grabbed it when you left.. that mousy boy was reaching toward it." He shrugged, nodding off toward the Gryffindor table. "So what's that accent.. I'm guessing.. Eastern .. perhaps Polish or Russian?"

"Russian.. my family is in St. Petersburg, they sent me to school here." Anna smiled, though Lucius didn't look too happy about being ignored.

"Lovely bonding moment." Lucius cut across Severus' would be response. "The point is.. you really want to make sure that you make friends with the proper sort of people here. No blood traitors."

Bella coughed something about a Weasley.

"No mudbloods.. you know half bloods are just as bad.. but the point.. you obviously have your hearts in the right place, and we would like to help you make sure that you align with the proper families, and the proper people here." Lucius smiled and extended his hand to Severus and Anna.

Severus Snape took no time to shake the hand, though Anna was more reluctant. She had been brought up exactly the way this Malfoy was talking. Her father had told her that muggles and mudbloods were no good. Blood traitors were even worse.

You see, Tuomas Pelovsky was no fool, and neither was his wife. And they had brought up their daughter to understand that knowledge is power. And that there were only three types of people in the world. The mudbloods, the powerful, and the nansy pansy wizards that were too weak to achieve the power.

Anna shook the hand. "And if you turn out to be one of those undesirables.. we'll find out." Lucius smiled, and stood. Bella and Cissy followed, leaving Anna and Severus to their dinnertime discussion.

Though, they didn't have much time before they were sent off to bed, prefects leading the way. And the moment Anna found out where her home was to be she groaned.

"Isn't it cool?" Evan Rosier popped up beside her.
"Well.. it is freezing." Severus smiled awkwardly, as if it was his first smile in eleven years.

"Here we are. The password is pureblood" The prefect jumped out of the way as a wall opened to reveal a small passageway before they entered a rather lush common room. "Boys Dormitories are down the left hall, look for the door that says first years.. Girls, likewise on the right... Now go to bed."



character: slytherins, rating: pg, creator: eating_death, character: original

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