Ficlet: We Are Not Duffers! (Ficlet Challenge #8 + Order MLA)

Jul 13, 2017 19:50

Title: We Are Not Duffers!
Summary: Helga dislikes the fact that her House is consider less than the others.
Characters/Pairings: Helga Hufflepuff
Genre: Gen
Beta: -
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 173
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: monkiainen

Sometimes Helga couldn't understand her colleagues. Why in the name of Merlin they thought that her House was less than theirs because she wasn't "as selective as they were". Nonsense, Helga thought. She wanted the students of her House to be like she was: hard-working, loyal, honest, open-minded and accepting.

Helga didn't care about bloodlines, or who was related to whom and in what way. She wanted everyone to have a fair chance of proper education, regardless of who they were and where they were from. They were supposed to create a school for everyone, not just for those her so-called friends thought were worthy of it. The only thing that mattered in Helga's opinion was that if the child was magical, they were allowed to come to Hogwarts, period.

Helga decided there and then she wasn't going to let her colleagues to run her down. They had no idea how bad an idea it was to piss her off. There was a reason why her House Mascot was the badger, after all.

11 points for Hufflepuff!

creator: monkiainen, *challenge, form: ficlet, character: helga hufflepuff, rating: g, genre: gen

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