Ficlet: Engineer of the Impossible (For the Order MLA)

Jul 13, 2017 02:07

Title: Engineer of the Impossible
Summary: Chief Builder Rowena is not happy with Salazar's design decisions
Characters/Pairings: Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 167 words
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure.
If yes, your Tumblr username: N/A

It had been three days since they began constructing Hogwarts castle, when Rowena received the first letter. It came elegantly scripted, bound with a pretty silver ribbon. Salazar wanted something. Rowena scanned the message and tore it up immediately.

There was no mistaking the terrifying look of contempt etched on the young woman's face. Her delicate hands curled furiously around neglected parchment plans as she stalked through the crowds of builder wizards. They parted like the sea as she passed. Her lips pulled into a thin line only parting to huff with displeasure at her friend’s unfathomably stupid request. Rowena’s eyes did not match the rest of her mood though, softening with intrigue as they inventoried the lush landscape.

Shameless sweet talker or not, Salazar was right. If anyone was to engineer the impossible, surely it would be Rowena. Ravenclaw cleared her throat. "There is no need to erect the third tower" she announced clearly into the awaiting crowd. "Salazar wants to build his quarters under the lake."

Nat // Slytherin & DURMSTRANG (F*CK YEAH!) // 6 pts (10 pts for MLA)

character: salazar slytherin, form: ficlet, character: rowena ravenclaw, rating: g, creator: larkandwren, genre: gen

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