Fic/Art Bingo! July Round!

Jul 07, 2017 13:30

Banner by renrenren3

It's a new month, and new round of bingo! Before we get to the July Edition of Fic/Art Bingo, here's a little something to everyone who created at least one piece of fanwork, whether it was fic or art, to their Bingo Card last month:


And now, July Fic & Art Bingo!

1. Select a (randomized) Bingo Card, save the URL, and post it as a comment below: RANDOM PROMPTS BINGO

2. Complete a row of challenges within a month. These have to be things you create and post to SQ this month only, whether it's fic or art. You only need to complete a row! Horizontal, diagonal or vertical, doesn't matter. As you can see, these are very random prompts like the title says. Edit your comment with the challenges as you complete them.

3. PROFIT A SENSE OF SELF-SATISFACTION AND COMPLETION. Congratulations! You've shaken off that writing/drawing rust! I'll be giving out an extra 5pts for the month from my own vault at the end of the month to anyone who has completed a row and a shiny to everyone who participates.

Comments or questions let me know! And have fun!

!mod post, !bingo

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