June Roundup, Points & Shiny Tags!

Jul 06, 2017 11:53

[Round-up]Title: The Secret Keeper by j_okay [James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans; Major character death; Fic; 1098 words]
Summary: James realizes Peter has betrayed him. Prompt given by sickle_girl and fic written in honor of her birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NOELIA!
Genre: Angst

Title: June Bingo: Delphini Diggory by bergeronprocess [Delphini Diggory; Probably like PG because it's kind of depressing; Ficlet; 443 words]
Summary: Delphini is eleven and it's almost September, so why hasn't her Hogwarts owl come yet?
Genre: Angst

Title: Great Expectations by jalenstrix [Tom Riddle, Nagini; G; Ficlet; 406 words]
Summary: Tom Riddle anticipates how his patronus will respond to him after his first horcrux.
Genre: Drama, General

Title: Happiness can be found even in the darkest times if one only remembers to turn on the light by ellinou [Albus and Ariana Dumbledore; G; Ficlet; 502 words]
Summary: The Deluminator had to have been invented for a reason, no?
Genre: Drama

Title: the key is communication by mahmfic [Fred/George; NC-17 // Incest, D/S, Aftercare, etc.; Ficlet; 649 words]
Summary: George didn't have to move his head.
Genre: Smut

Title: Logistics by bergeronprocess [Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley; G, it's nice and innocent; Ficlet; 523 words]
Summary: For ficlet challenge 65, Golden Trio in different houses. Hermione reflects on the logistics.
Genre: Gen

Title: The Speech by bergeronprocess [Minerva McGonagall; G; Fic; 994 words]
Summary: Minerva wants to say something special at the first welcome feast after the Battle of Hogwarts. This was originally a response to ficlet challenge 109 but then I wrote too much for it to be a ficlet and honestly couldn't cut it down to less than 700 words.
Genre: Gen

Title: Good Point by bergeronprocess [Katie Bell; G; Drabble; 98 words]
Summary: The more Katie thinks about it, the less it makes sense.
Genre: Gen

Title: 4 HAIKUS by samelthecamel [DOBBY; G; Poem; under 100 words]

Title: The Blackest Sea by monkiainen [Regulus Black; PG / implied character death & torture; Ficlet; 511 words]
Summary: Regulus and his final moments
Genre: Gen, angst

[June Points]

[Shiny tags!]

!points, !roundups

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