Writer's Block Results

Jul 01, 2016 11:17

banner by renrenren3

Hey guys! Sorry I was a bit of a fail in June, July will be better days, I swear! Anyway, here are the results for the last two Writer's Block activities.

WB 35.3 "A place to rest my head"

In First Place was melpomenethemis of Ravenclaw with Entry 6, "Play Time with Padfoot"!
In Second Place was katshakespeare of Gryffindor with Entry 4, "Sleep Sweetly"!
In Third Place was my_threeloves06 of Hufflepuff with Entry 1, "His Home Away From Home"!

Gryffindor: 72
Hufflepuff: 68
Ravenclaw: 80
Slytherin: 0

Check the spreadsheet for individual results.

WB 35.4 "One Bright Moment"

I failed at getting voting up in time, so for this one I had to just give participation points to our three participants.

Gryffindor: teagues_veil: 20
Hufflepuff: my_threeloves06: 20
Ravenclaw: pemberlady: 10
Slytherin: 0

Thanks for your patience, everyone. The next contest should be up in a couple of days!

!writer's block, !results

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