Ficlet Challenge 4

Mar 13, 2016 12:37

Title: Merope's last possession
Characters/Pairing: Merope Gaunt, Caractacus Burke
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Word Count: 308
Summary: Merope goes to Borgin and Burke's to sell her last possession. For ficlet challenge 4.

Her miserable grey eyes, although appearing to stare in opposite directions, were settled on the large, dimly lit wizard's shop. Her fingers unconsciously brushed against the locket against her chest, whilst the other hand reached for the door knob. A ringing bell above the door summoned the appearance of Caractacus Burke.
He scrutinised the girl's dull, heavy face for a moment before asking, "how may I help you, my dear?"
"I... I..." she swallowed her fear, "I have this." Removing the silver locket from around her neck, hands shaking, she laid it into the greedy, outstretched hands of Burke.
His eyes gleamed, but only the most observant witch would have noticed, for the rest of his face was a picture of indifference. "My dear, I can see that you are in need of help, and I am a kind and benevolent man. This... locket... I'm not sure I have much use for it, " Burke signalled a hand around the rest of his shop. A glass case nearby held a withered hand on a cushion, a blood-stained pack of cards, and a staring glass eye. Evil-looking masks stared down from the walls, an assortment of human bones lay upon the counter, and rusty, spiked instruments hung from the ceiling. It certainly did seem like the little silver locket would b out of place. "But for you my dear, because I can see that you need help, I will take this necklace for 10 galleons."
Merope felt a rush of relief. 10 galleons! It was more than she could have possibly hoped for. She nodded her head enthusiastically and stammered her gratitude. Burke placed 10 golden coins into her hand. As Merope left the shop, the bell ringing ominously behind her, Burke caressed the emerald snakelike S on the locket, no idea of his impact on the future of wizardkind.

15 Points for Gryffindor

character: caractacus burke, *challenge, rating: g, genre: gen, creator: fizzbuzz, form: ficlet, *tumblr allowed, character: merope gaunt

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