fic: struggle and weariness/no challenge

Mar 08, 2016 17:36

Title: struggle and weariness (4/?) ao3 | LJ | Read in full from here
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter/Marcus Flint
Disclaimer:I own nothing
Word Count:643
A/N:this comes so late as i wrestled with working with 365 prompts and word counts or just telling my sotry. Story won.
Summery: He's not happily married. These days he is barely tolerating it. He would much rather be with his Auror partner Marcus and live the quiet life without expectations.

Teddy is coming to dinner and Marcus is freaking out about it.

Marcus rearranges the furniture so that his folding dining table can spread out in the living room and then sets the table and opens the red wine to breathe. Teddy is due in half an hour and Marcus is very glad that Harry's younger children are still at Hogwarts so none of them can spring themselves on the pair. When he said it was inevitable to meet the kids this way he felt calm. Not now.

Teddy is the eldest and it is a role the young man takes quite seriously. Every moment of his evening from the hotness of the Rogan Josh to the quality of the Rioja will be fed back to James, Albus and Lily by owl before the young Auror has even gone to bed. Harry has been vague when talking about the kids and Marcus is not sure if that is because they are typical Hogwarts kids who dread having to write out a decent sized letter or because there is animosity between them all. He knows Ron and Hermione Granger have no hard feelings and are understanding but is unsure about the rest of the clan.

He is fretting but Harry is fretting even more so he says nothing until the bell goes in the hallway. Marcus startles because he expected Teddy to Apparate or come via the floo network but nevertheless he scrambles to his feet and makes for the door.

"Evening, Teddy. Come on in." HIs tongue feels like it is having difficulty dislodging from the top of his mouth. This is it. This is the night he gets judged .

"Alright, Marcus?" Teddy enquires jovially while shoving another bottle of wine at Marcus. "Dad in the kitchen? Right."

Marcus reads the label of the French Merlot to distract himself from the fact that Teddy calls Harry 'Dad'. He never knew that. He had always seen them interact at work and well of course they would be more professional there.

"Ted!" He hears from the kitchen followed by laughter and quiet conversation. They may not need the second bottle but then they might so Marcus opens that up so it can breathe too. His mother taught him never to just drink a red upon opening. Figuring he will start to look rude he wanders through into the kitchen and promptly takes a half step back. His eyes fill with water at the heat of the curry Harry is putting together.

"I did that too." Teddy says. "I think he's trying to kill us using curry paste."

"Oh shut up you big kids." Harry states with a smile, looking adorable to Marcus in his oven gloves and glasses half steamed up. "Water will be on the table and you have the nans. Or you will. If I cooked them right. Which is...possible."

"Made yourself, Dad?"

"It didn't look too hard..." Harry states quietly.

"I'm sure they will be wonderful, Harry. I'll get extra glasses with ice for the table." Marcus says before moving to do just that. Just when he's finished Teddy is wandering into the room behind him with the freshly cooked nans on a tray in one hand and a plate of curry in the other. Harry appears behind him with the other two plates and they nervously sit down together to eat.

Marcus feels panic rise again but forces it down while pouring wine and getting himself some nan bread to start his meal off.

"You don't need to look so nervous guys. " Teddy says quietly. "I'm not here to judge, well I am a bit, but I want to make sure dad's happy and get to know you and stuff. Lilly is dying for information. She won't stop bugging me but as per usual can't find the bottle to write to you herself."

The ice breaks and Marcus slumps in his seat.

sam/claw/25 points

creator: ayebydan, character: teddy lupin, *tumblr allowed, character: marcus flint, rating: pg-13, character: harry potter, form: fic

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