Title: Idiot's Habit
Summary: He wasn't sure why he did it really. It was like sort of compulsion that came around once a year.
Characters/Pairings: Draco
Genre: Ermmmmm Gen
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G/None
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 263
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: mm8fic
He wasn't sure why he did it really. It was like sort of compulsion that came around once a year. An idiot's habit, his mother would say. He wasn't like this any other time of the year. He got his ideas early and was ready months in advance for things like birthdays and anniversaries. His friends often mocked him for his predictable all-around promptness. But for some strange reason Draco Malfoy could only do his Christmas shopping last minute on Christmas Eve.
Diagon Alley was overflowing with witches and wizards bustling about, pushing each other out of the way with no remorse so they could be the one to get to the last item on the shelf before anyone else. It was a charged atmosphere that most would rather avoid, but Draco found that he enjoyed it. Mother called him strange when he tried to describe the invigorating feeling he got when shoving through the mass of holiday shoppers. He adrenaline rush was something he hadn't felt since his days at Hogwarts, chasing down the Snitch or dueling Death Eaters during the Final Battle. It wasn't the same at all, of course. It was closest experience that Draco could find to get back to those times… his most cherished memories.
Perhaps that meant he was mad and should see a healer for counseling. Draco shrugged such notions off. He was fine. He had a new life, new loyalties, a fantastic job with great pay. He just so happened to do one thing out of character once a year. That wasn't so bad, right?