New Week - New Month - ACK!!!

Nov 02, 2015 09:13

Banner by renrenren3

Where does the time go? That is my question to everyone!! I know the last few weeks my brain has been stuck in school, one of my biggest fears before taking on this job (which I love doing, btw).

However, with a huge apology, I had a massive fail last week and didn't get the voting done on writer's block. Everyone got participation points. In the middle of three papers, all the points got turned in (and quite happy to say I finished the last paper an hour before it was due!).

For total points of the month we have Hufflepuff!! Way to go Puffs!! You guys are really in gear this term!!

Gryffindor 386
Hufflepuff 843
Ravenclaw 8
Slytherin 97

For individual points, see the spreadsheet!!

We also had a great turnout for the first ever 31 Days of Halloween (something else I failed at - dang school). Of the stories I read, I loved them all. I cannot wait for a day where I can just sit and enjoy them!!

So, any questions, feel free to ask. I will try to have an answer of some sort. Any words of wisdom for not procrastinating and getting my papers done quickly...yeah, I could use those too!

EEK I am super excited - a screened comment was added here this entry made the top 25 entries! YAY!!! Maybe we will have people come and visit and want to come and join hogwartsishome through platform_934!!!!!

!mod post, !new week, !points

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