31 Days of October - October 31 - Lily & Petunia (no challenge)

Oct 31, 2015 09:24

Title: Lily & Petunia
Summary: Halloween costumes
Characters/Pairings: Lily Evans & Petunia Evans
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Ficlet
October Prompt: Happy Hallowee
Word Count: 204
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thank you.

"You can't go out on Halloween dressed like that," Petunia said matter-of-factly from the doorway, one hand cocked onto her hip, a foul pout on her face.

Lily adjusted her hat in the mirror and leaned in to draw a big wart on her chin. If she were older and could perform magic away from Hogwarts, she would have transfigured her nose and added a wart. "Why not?"

"Because it's not a costume!" her sister nearly screeched.

Lily whipped around to look at Petunia, who was dressed as a fairy, wings strapped over her shoulders. Her golden leotard looked a little dull against her sister's sallow skin. "Of course it is. I don't usually look like this, do I?"

"I don't know," Petunia sneered, "I don't know what you do at that school of yours."

A frown pressed Lily's lips together, but only for the briefest of moments. "I do exactly what you do at your school, Tuney," Lily said. "Go to class, study, the usual."

For a moment, her sister said nothing. "You can't wear that," she said again, stamping her foot.

Lily didn't want to argue.

"You can't wear what you already are!" Petunia shrieked, storming from the room, red-faced.

Sarah / Gryffindor / 7 points

character: lily (evans) potter, character: petunia dursley, form: ficlet, rating: pg, 31 days of oct, creator: katshakespeare, genre: gen

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