31 Days of October: October 1 - Fall

Oct 01, 2015 23:14

Title: Fall
Summary: Susan sits beneath her favorite tree
Characters/Pairings: Susan Bones, Theodore Nott
Genre: Romance
Beta: n/a
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: ficlet
Word Count: 466 words
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: super-cynful

Susan sat down under the tree. Her back rubbed against the hard bark and she pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. Laying her head back against the trunk, she gazed up into the branches.

October was her favorite month. The red leaves were highlighted under the fall sun. She loved this tree the most because it practically matched her hair. It was silly, but it was definitely something that made her smile every fall.

She closed her eyes and just breathed in the season around her. The crisp autumn air surrounding her, the last scents of the flowers not too far away, the fanged frisbee that hit her head.

“Ow!” She opened her eyes and rubbed her head before carefully picking up the frisbee.

“I’m sorry about that.” A tall, lanky brunette walked towards her.

She smiled and held out the frisbee. “I assume that this is yours?”

He grimaced. “Yeah, sorry. Blaise thought he was being funny and it went the wrong direction.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t need to fall asleep anyway. I have too much to do.”

He grasped the frisbee and gazed at her. “Hufflepuff, right?”

She nodded. “Yes. Slytherin, I assume.”

“Theodore Nott at your service, milady.” He bowed to her.

“Susan Bones.” She offered her hand to him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Hey, Nott, quit flirting and get back to the game.”

Theo looked over his shoulder and threw the frisbee at his friend. “Give me a minute, git.”

Susan laughed. “I guess you should get back to your game.”

“It seems more interesting here,” he said smoothly as he sank down on the ground beside her.

Her laughter rang out. “Your laugh, it’s gorgeous.”

“Thank you, I think. You aren’t so bad yourself - for an evil Slytherin person.”

He stopped and gazed into her green eyes for a moment. “So, you think I’m evil?”

“That is what I would be told if I mentioned our encounter to a friend.” She glanced over and saw Hannah walking towards her. “In fact, here comes one now. I am consorting with the enemy.”

Theo laughed at that. “Well, I guess that means I am lowering myself to the wishy washy house. Our friends will never forgive us, I guess.” He grasped her hand again. “How about we meet here again, same time tomorrow. Only, I won’t bring Blaise.”

She nodded. “I guess we really should promote inter house unity. I will be here.”

He stood up quickly. “Until then.” He turned and walked off.

Susan smiled. October was always a fabulous time of the year. She turned and watched Hannah close the distance. “Hey, how are you?”

Cyn/Slytherin/16 points

character: theodore nott, genre: fluff, form: ficlet, 31 days of oct, character: susan bones, creator: cyn_ful, genre: romance

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