Banner by renrenren3
Challenge: Enemy
Points: 1st/2nd/3rd/Participation Only: 50/40/30/10 points & 20/15/10/5 knuts, respectively. 2pts for voting.
Deadline: Results Now
Details: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Thank you to everyone who entered and voted!
1st place: With Entry 7, Allies by
slumber of Ravenclaw
2nd place: With Entry 2, Forbidden Friends by
fluttershy_kisa of Gryffindor
3rd place: With Entry 4, My Mess by
mahmfic of Hufflepuff
monkiainen of Hufflepuff
jalenstrix of Ravenclaw
melpomenethemis of Ravenclaw
ashspark of Slytherin
Full point breakdown are
on the spreadsheet under WB#2
House Totals:
G; 44 Points
H; 68 Points
R: 92 Points
S; 20 Points
Questions? Comments? Let me know!
To the Order, the pieces that are Tumblr-approved have been unscreened. Thank you!