Fic: Till Love Do Us Part (Harry/Hermione, No Challenge)

Dec 07, 2014 17:59

Title: Till Love Do Us Part
Summary: The knots in her stomach weren’t from cold feet or from excited anticipation or from anything a bride-to-be should have knots over. These knots were from sadness and hopelessness and from maybe losing the one man she loved more than anything in the world. A man who was not her fiancé.
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Hermione, background Ron/Hermione
Rating/Warnings: NC-17. Infidelity. Mention of a character death that isn’t canon. EWE. Explicit sex. Angst, angst and more angst.
Word Count: 2,527
Author's Notes: Written for the hermione-smut fest. Original entry is here. Based on the prompt Hermione's about to marry Ron, but the night before the wedding, she has one last fling with her true love.

The knots in her stomach weren’t from cold feet or from excited anticipation.

84 points
Kristine | Puff

genre: angst, creator: flipflop_diva, character: hermione granger, character: harry potter, form: fic, rating: nc-17

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